How to get a replacement car when you claim insurance

A replacement car is a facility that is much sought after by prospective policyholders. This is because if your car is under repair, the insurance company will give you a rental car for free.


Want to get a replacement car facility for free? The following is how to get a replacement car facility when you submit an insurance claim.

Explanation of Replacement Car Insurance

A replacement car is a facility provided free of charge by insurance. However, you should note that not all insurance companies and insurance products provide this facility. For this reason, when you choose an insurance product, read and look carefully at the contents contained in the policy.

When you use insurance with this facility, a replacement car is given a rental status so that it is temporary and will be provided when you submit a car insurance claim . The replacement car provided is also generally equivalent to the car you claim at the repair shop.

Due to its temporary nature, if you pass the specified time limit, you will be considered renting the car and you will be charged an additional rate or fee.

That's why you should pay close attention to your insurance agreement before claiming insurance that provides this facility. Make sure that your claim is quickly carried out by the repair shop you have chosen so that you can return the replacement car on time.

How to get a replacement car when you claim insurance

A replacement car is not always included in the car insurance package, depending on the agreement stated in your insurance policy. Therefore, it is highly recommended for those of you who want this facility to choose a car insurance that provides replacement cars such as Zurich or car insurance ACA car insurance .

Well, the procedure for getting a replacement car when you make a claim is as follows.

1. Keep the Policy in the Car and Record the Claim Number

Always keep a good copy of the insurance policy in the car drawer and it is also a good idea for you to have a photocopy of your car insurance policy. You have to do this so that the process when submitting a claim to the insurance company's customer service is easier.
After processing the claim, you will get a claim number or claim ticket. Make sure you have this number to make the process easier and as proof you have made a car insurance claim.

2. Ask the Workshop Partner How Long It Takes to Repair

Partner workshops that have partnered with insurance companies don't take long to inspect your vehicle and estimate how long the repair process will take.

In addition, you also need to ask about the completion time so that you can predict how long it will take to use a replacement car so as not to exceed the time limit for renting a replacement car.

You also have to consider the situation and condition of the partner's workshop, whether there are many visitors or whether it can be done right away. If the workshop is busy, then you need to monitor the work process so it doesn't get delayed or if there are other workshop options close to where you live, you might consider moving the workshop.

3. Read and understand well the procedures and conditions for getting a replacement car

After you find out from the partner repair shop about when your car will be repaired, your next step should be to inform the insurance company about this. This is because insurers generally only want to provide a replacement car if your vehicle has to stay at the repair shop.

The estimated time for repairing the car from this partner workshop will be a requirement to get a replacement vehicle. Currently, insurance companies often compete in this facility because it is the most attractive attraction for customers to buy an insurance product.

In addition, don't forget to ask how much you have to spend for repairs at the workshop. After that, make a list of spare parts or components that must be replaced and which parts are repaired for completeness making a report to the insurance company.

That's how to get a replacement car when making a claim. First, you have to make sure that the claim number already exists. Do not put the car into the repair shop before the claim number appears.

This is because the claim number means a work order from insurance which means that your claim process has been approved by the insurance company.

Second, it is worth remembering that insurance companies usually have a requirement to get a replacement car, which is a minimum of two days of processing at the workshop.

Third, you have to make sure that the repair shop can immediately work on your car when it enters the workshop so that it can be finished quickly. Keep in mind that insurance companies usually only give a grace period of five days to lend a replacement car. Beyond that service life, you will be considered renting the car.

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