This is an example of an letter for not going to school for elementary , junior high , high school , and vocational students .
This sample letter of permission to not attend school can be used and given to teachers or schools if students are sick or have other family interests.
This school leave permit must be made and used so that the student concerned is not counted as truant or alpha.
For parents, don't worry if there are urgent family interests or the child is sick.
This permission letter can be used either via message WhatsApp or a letter of permission directly to the homeroom teacher or the teacher who teaches the class.
The following is an example of an excuse letter for not going to for school elementary , middle , high school and vocational school .
(Yogyakarta), Monday, January 3, 2022
Class III guardian of (School name)
In place
Yours faithfully,
I, the undersigned, as the Parent/Guardian of:
Name :
Class :
Address :
I would like to inform the teacher, that our child named (Andi) cannot attend the lesson today due to (illness).
Thus this notification letter, I hope the teacher can understand it.
Name of Parent/Guardian.