Counter Strike Nexon: Zombies Is Not The Counter Strike You Know

You all know about Counter Strike . game FPS where you will be placed as a terrorist or anti-terror squad. game This has made an imprint on the hearts of gamers in the 90s, especially with the radio phrase ' Go, go, go !' which always echoed in every internet cafe that was scattered at that time. Seeing its current success (CS 1.6 is still often played even though CS:GO exists), Counter Strike will not deviate in a strange direction, will it?

Very wrong.

I introduce, Counter Strike Nexon: Zombies . As the name suggests, this is Counter Strike Nexon's with zombies. Yes, it's not a new thing for those of you who have played Counter Strike Online zombie mode before. For those who don't know, Counter Strike Nexon: Zombies is a Counter Strike free game that has just been released on Steam. game This puts you in a map that is common in CS, but with a little twist. This time you are not dealing with terrorists, but you are going to fight zombies.

Counter Strike Nexon: Zombies will have 50 maps and 20 different game modes including PvP and PvE. Wow, that's a huge number! In fact, much more than Counter Strike Online . In addition, game this also has a system crafting weapon to strengthen and change the appearance of the weapons you will have.

Although the impression strays from Counter Strike , it's actually not a bad thing. I think many people also like the zombie mode in Counter Strike  Online. Otherwise, how could Nexon make the mode a game separate , right? After all, there is no harm in trying a game that is not paid.

Steam: Counter Strike Nexon: Zombies ,
For free

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