In fact, it's not only your own health that needs to be insured. One of the valuable items, such as a car, also needs protection given the high risk of driving that occurs today.
In addition to protection in the form of compensation when the car is damaged or scratched, insurance companies also provide several special things to customers. The following are special things that can be obtained when the car is insured:
Confused about finding the best and cheapest car insurance? The Newbie has a solution!
1. Extensive partner workshop
A broken car is no longer a catastrophe. By insuring your car, you are entitled to fast repair services when your car breaks down in the middle of the journey. With a note, repairs are carried out at the workshop partner of the insurance company.
Before buying car insurance, it is important to know the insurance company's partner repair shop. How many repair shops have collaborated with the company because this will make it easier for you to get repair facilities when the car breaks down later.
2. Ease of claim
All policies have the right to file a claim if the vehicle is damaged, whether due to an accident, natural disaster, brawl, and others as recorded in the insurance claim policy. We recommend that you follow the claim submission procedure as determined by the company to speed up the compensation process.
Starting from filling out forms, attaching evidence of damage to the vehicle, and so on. As long as the damage is purely an accident, trust me the claim submission process will be simplified by the company. Moreover, submitting this claim has become part of the rights of all policies when insuring the vehicle.
3. Customer service
If at any time you have difficulty submitting a claim or do not understand the written points, then you can contact the customer service insurance company's . This service can be accessed through the application Whatsapp , phone calls, or live chat on the website company's official .
This service automatically makes it easier for you to get information as needed. However, to get this service, you usually need to queue because there are many customers who need to be served at the same time. We recommend that you prepare all questions in detail to save time waiting for a reply from the customer service concerned.
4. Free ambulance
This special thing is given when the policy is in an accident on the way. The ambulance service will take the police to the nearest hospital for further treatment before the policy's health condition worsens.
But remember, only for the cost of delivering the policy to the hospital. For medical expenses, the policy must use personal money. It's different if the policy participates in health insurance, the medical costs during the recovery process from an accident will be partially borne by the insurance company concerned.
5. Reimbursement of transportation costs
The insurance company also provides reimbursement of transportation costs if the insured car is damaged and is still in the repair stage. This reimbursement of transportation costs varies, depending on the policy of each insurance company.
Not all companies also provide this one privilege. That's why it's a good idea to ask in advance about the benefits you get during joining a policy to avoid miscommunication.
6. Replacement car during repair
Car still under repair? No need to worry because as long as the car is repaired, the insurance company will provide a replacement car facility to accompany your days. So, you can continue to work as it should.
This replacement car facility will actually be returned to the company after the insured car has been repaired and can be used for driving. Make sure you maximize the function of the replacement car and take good care of it during the loan period.
7. Free Crane Service
If the insured car can't be used at all, the insurance company is ready to help. You do this by providing a free tow service to transport the car to a partner workshop for repairs.
We recommend that you contact the customer service insurance company's when you need this crane service. Indicate the location where the towing is to be carried out and wait a few moments for the towing service to arrive.
8. New insurance features
Insurance companies often improve their services to pamper their customers. The trick is to add the latest features in car insurance products that are reportedly able to be used directly by customers.
Notifications about the latest features are usually notified via email, SMS, or telephone. So before this feature is published in general, it is usually insurance customers who first get the information and can take advantage of this feature.
Maximize the Benefits of Car Insurance
Including your car in insurance is not a loss, but an advantage because the car gets maximum protection during the period of use. In addition to this protection, there are also a number of special things that can be directly utilized as described in the points above. Therefore, maximize the benefits of insurance products and don't hesitate to ask if there is something you don't understand about car insurance products.
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