Understanding Shared Hosting 

What is Shared Hosting ?. Shared hosting is one of the popular choices, especially for new sites, basically this type of hosting works to provide server resources that will be used by several websites that have the same service. A broader explanation is that this shared hosting provides services with a hosting account that is placed together with several other accounts on the same server so that in its performance it will use a shared service.

When someone has decided to create a website, the first thing to do to manage it is to choose who and which place to serve as a website hosting service provider. The next step after deciding the place, the user is asked to choose a hosting package that is available on the hosting service, in general there are 5 namely shared hosting, VPS, cloud hosting, wordpress hosting and dedicated server hosting.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Shared Hosting

In the use of hosting services, there must be advantages and disadvantages in each type of hosting available, to see some explanations about the advantages and disadvantages of the following shared hosting.

Advantages of Shared Hosting

  • Low Cost

Compared to other types of hosting, shared hosting is the cheapest option because on each server users will share space and resources with others. For example, an example of shared hosting is when someone rents a rented apartment or apartment that will be used together in order to save more money because the costs will be shared together.

In general, the management of shared hosting must be fully handled by the hosting service provider, therefore users no longer need to worry about anything related to the performance of the hosting service and only manage the site. By only focusing on management, users will save more time because they don't have to bother anymore to take care of server performance and also save costs.

  • Easy to Use

In the service, it shared hosting will be easier for users because later all server operations will be taken by experts by the service provider so that beginners who do not have an understanding of programming can still manage their website or blog. But when the web or blog users of shared hosting services already have a wide reach and an extraordinary number of visitors, it is necessary to change the hosting service to a VPS or dedicated web server.

The reason is because it returns to adjusting to the needs where for a web that is large and has many visitors it is more suitable for other hosting services, if the user is still using shared hosting then the site will have an impact on other sites on the same server and the effect can make an error or down. time. Furthermore, if the user has changed hosting services, he must learn knowledge about programming.

  • Easy Server Administration and Maintenance

In accordance with the explanation above that shared hosting is perfect for beginners who just have an understanding of the world of web and hosting services. By using this type of hosting, users are more focused on learning about the blog or website that is being built, but this is only temporary because users have to change services when they experience visitor traffic. Regarding server administration and maintenance, users don't need to think about it anymore because everything has been taken up by the hosting service provider's experts.

  • Ideal for Blogs or Small Business Websites

Shared web hosting is said to be ideal for users of blog sites and business websites on a small scale. The first reason is because of budget considerations, this of course often happens to someone who starts a small business where to reduce the risk of big losses, someone will save more money related to the budget.

Because this shared hosting offers services at a very cheap price, it is very suitable for someone who does business with a blog or web site on a small scale. Then the second reason is regarding the understanding and ability of a person in managing hosting, of course for those who are new to the world of web hosting it will be difficult to run a hosting service.

However, shared hosting users don't have to worry anymore because all the servers will be taken by experts by the hosting service provider, for that shared hosting is ideal for blog beginners or small web businesses.

  • Easy Control Panel

By using this shared hosting, users will be given convenience in terms of control panels because the hosting service provider will provide broad access to it. Managing a website or blog will be even easier because users already have control panel access, so users will be able to take advantage of the many available features, for example when uploading files or images will be smoother and easier and to make it easier for users who want to see any statistics related to website or blog.

    The email will go to the user's email account

We already know that the use of services shared hosting is done together by sharing servers with other users. But there is no need to worry about the email sent to the user will go to the user's email instead of all incoming emails on the same server service.

Lack of Shared Hosting

  • Limited Control Area on Server

Users on this service shared hosting only have a small amount of space related to access to the server, so their control is very limited. This happens because in this hosting service ownership of full access is only owned by the administrator of the hosting service provider, so for the management of all server accounts it is taken by experts and users have little access.

  • Possible Crash

As has been explained that this type of service shared hosting is one that uses many users on one server, so it is certainly not surprising that there will be crashes from time to time. The existence of a heavy load, especially when there is traffic, will affect the performance of other users' websites or blogs and eventually there will be service interruptions or crashes.

  • Less security

In shared hosting that provides a large space on one server, it will be more vulnerable to abuse of access or other very sensitive features. With this, there will definitely be a lot of problems on the server and even a gap in the security that is installed.

  • Limited use of other software

Shared hosting users cannot get access to use or run other software other than those offered by the hosting service provider.

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