Manchester City continues their journey by challenging Chelsea. Here is the live streaming link for Week 19 of . the 2022-2023 Premier League
The match between Chelsea vs Manchester City will take place at Stamford Bridge Stadium, Friday (6/1/23) at 03.00 in the morning WIB.
This duel is an important moment for the two clubs to improve as well as catch up with their rivals.
Chelsea has currently been knocked out of the top four competition by perching in 10th place because it was only able to collect 25 points.
Meanwhile , Manchester City is eight points behind Arsenal, who stand firmly at the top of the 2022-2023 Premier League standings.
However, this match is believed to be one-sided even though the Blues will play their home game at Stamford Bridge.
The reason is, Graham Potter is under heavy pressure because he was only able to secure one win from his last five matches.
Meanwhile, Manchester City have secured three wins from five matches, although in the last match they actually got a draw.
Thus, this match will be an opportunity for both teams to seek victory after each of them got a draw.
Therefore, it is believed that the Chelsea vs Manchester City duel in Week 19 of the 2022-2023 Premier League at Stamford Bridge is believed to be going on tightly.
English Premier League Live Streaming
To watch the match at Stamford Bridge Stadium, here is the live streaming link for Chelsea vs Manchester, Friday (6/1/23):
Link for watch (CLICK HERE)
*) Schedules may change at any time
*) The Newbie IS NOT RESPONSIBLE for changes to schedule and broadcast quality
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