How to get a cellphone credit at Shopee to get the cheapest installments, it turns out that only this amount of interest is charged!

The following is a review of how credit HP at Shopee can get the cheapest installments and only the interest is quite low.

Pihak Shopee telah menjalin kerjasama dengan berbagai bank yang tentunya semakin mudah untuk digunakan transaksi.  Lantas apa saja keuntungan kredit barang di Shopee?
Cara Kredit HP di Shopee Dapat Cicilan Paling Murah

HP is one of the important things to have for everyone, because it has multiple functions, so for those of you who are currently looking for or want credit on the Shopee platform a cellphone , follow the method in this article, so you can get cheap installments.

platform The Shopee currently provides credit item features, one of which can credit Shopee using be used as a cellphone Pay Later .

Shopee has collaborated with various banks which are certainly easier to use for transactions.

So what are the advantages credit of goods at Shopee ?

1. Fast processing

2. Can use Shopee Pay Later 

3. Only KTP capital to open Shopee Pay Later service

4. Approval time only takes 24 hours 

5. credit Get a big enough

Regarding the interest and penalties applied when crediting goods , especially cellphones , it is 2.95 percent which has been set on April 28, 2020. Then there is a handling fee of 1 percent for every single transaction.

For customers who are naughty aka late paying will be subject to fine a 5 percent , calm down Shopee Pay Later has been supervised by the OJK so it is safe and reliable. 

Here 's how to credit HP or goods on this well-known and well-known platform.

1. Open the app

2. Then click "My menu" 

3. After that find and click “My Card/Account”

4. Press “Add New Card” 

5. Please fill in your personal data and the required requirements

6. If there will be an OTP code sent to the cellphone 

7. Enter the code and wait until the credit card is registered8. Done, you can choose item or HP the desired

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