Want to Ride a Bike in Sakura School Simulator? Here's How, Easy Guaranteed Directly Can

Want to ride a bicycle in Sakura School Simulator ? Here's how.

Ingin Boncengan Sepeda di Sakura School SimulatorBegini Caranya, Mudah Dijamin Langsung BisaBagi yang belum memiliki aplikasi ini, silahkan buka aplikasi Google Play Store bagi pengguna Android dan App Store bagi pengguna iOS, di sana silahkan cari di kolom pencarian, ketikkan nama Sakura School Simulator. Setelah menemukan, silahkan install ke dalam perangkat smartphone Anda.  Sebelum install, pastikan terlebih dahulu bahwa perangkat smartphone Anda mendukung untuk instalasi aplikasi tersebut. Berdasarkan keterangan hanya Android 6.0 dan versi lebih baru yang mendukung aplikasi ini.  Hindari penggunaan aplikasi versi modifikasi dikarenakan jaminan keamanan yang belum dapat diandalkan dan dipercaya. Masih ada kemungkinan gangguan virus, malware, banned, dan penyadapan. Lebih baik gunakan aplikasi versi asli demi kenyamanan dan juga pastinya keamanan perangkat smartphone Anda.

of driving in Sakura School Simulator There are various types There are jetpacks, cars, motorbikes , and also bicycles . One of the most romantic and also fun is riding a bicycle . Ride with other characters.

how do? For those of you who are still beginners, see how to bike here Sakura School Simulator .

For those who don't have this application, please open the Google Play Store application for Android users and the App Store for iOS users, there, please search in the search field, type the name Sakura School Simulator . After finding it, please install it into your smartphone device.

Before installing, make sure that your smartphone device supports the installation of the application. Based on description only Android 6.0 and later version supports this app.

Avoid using the modified version of the application because the security guarantees are not reliable and trusted. There is still the possibility of virus interference, malware, banned, and eavesdropping. It is better to use the original version of the application for the convenience and also of course the security of your smartphone device. 

Continue to the discussion. How to ride bicycle in Sakura School Simulator ? Check out the steps as follows.

For this discussion, let's assume that you have started your game in Sakura School Simulator . For this tutorial, with the concept of a boy character riding a girl character.

1. The boy character rides the bike first 

2. Bring the girl character closer to the bike

3. Use the boy character, then tap the talk icon to the girl character. Choose carry, quickly tap the talk sign on the right because the sign will disappear quickly

4. Tap pose mode and set pose mode to pc01 (pose 169) 

5. Adjust the position of the character using Character Position. Set the position of the girl character back as if she was riding a ride.

6. Set motion to 0 so that the hand of the girl character sitting behind doesn't move

7. Now you can bike in a riding position with other characters. 

This is a simple and easy tutorial for beginners to ride a bicycle with other characters in Sakura School Simulator .

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