Bintang Samudra Episode 9 Today, Synopsis & Link Watch 28 September 2022, Between Nagita & Andra

Check out the show schedule, link to watch streaming and synopsis soap opera Bintang Samudra episode 9 , airing Wednesday , September 28, 2022 on Antv.

Simak jadwal tayang, link nonton streaming dan sinopsis sinetron Bintang Samudra episode 9, tayang Rabu 28 September 2022 di Antv.
Bintang Samudra Episode 9 Sinopsis & Link Nonton

Bintang Samudra is played by Riza Syah as Captain Bintang, Steffi Zamora as doctor Nagita, and Tamara Rebecca as doctor Andra.

The story is getting more exciting entering episode 9 , here synopsis complete Bintang Samudra .

Synopsis Bintang Samudra Episode 9

Bintang is faced with two choices and must choose between doctors Nagita and Andra. Nagita is Bintang's ex-lover, while Andra is the woman who will betrothed to Bintang.

Between Bintang and Nagita has a beautiful past story. They both broke up for no reason, but circumstances had to separate them both.

Seven years ago, Nagita was forced to leave Bintang, besides the purpose of studying Medicine, there were other factors that required Nagita to break up with Bintang.

Seven years apart, they are found again on the island of Marimba, a conflict-ridden border region. They both still love each other, but after seven years things have changed.

Starting from the presence of Pasha, Nagita's fiancé, to doctor Andra, a candidate from Bintang. Bintang and Nagita want to reunite but circumstances don't support it. 

Nagita's family wants Nagita's matchmaking with Pasha and will soon get married. Hearing this, Bintang was very disappointed. Even though he had said that for the past seven years he could not forget Nagita and had never opened his heart to another woman.

When Nagita is sick, Bintang can't hold back the sadness and feelings he's been hiding all this time. With emotion they both said their feelings for each other, that is, they still love each other.

Towards episode 9 , Andra's doctor wants to invite Bintang to get engaged soon, Bintang is confused by his feelings that he still wants Nagita and has no feelings at all with Andra's doctor. 

Time is always wrong, and circumstances always bring them together. Doctors Nagita and Bintang had gone missing, because they were being chased by medical drug robbers.

They both lost in the forest. Without realizing it, the two of them fell asleep in the middle of the forest and were eventually found by the Indonesian Navy team.

Doctor Andra looks jealous and slaps Nagita, how will Bintang react? Watch Bintang Samudra episode 9 , Wednesday 29 September 2022, link watch below

So much information about the link to watch streaming and synopsis soap opera Bintang Samudra episode 9 , airing September 29, 2022.

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