Tips from Duitpintar So You Won't Be Disappointed After Choosing an Insurance Broker

Tips dari Duitpintar Agar Tak Kecewa Setelah Memilih Broker Asuransi
Tips dari Duitpintar Agar Tak Kecewa Setelah Memilih Broker Asuransi

In addition to insurance policies and premiums, there are insurance brokers who are equally important to know their roles and responsibilities. Insurance brokers serve as institutions that help insurance customers (policy holders) to get their rights, such as helping the claim process to disbursing claims to insurance companies.

Based on POJK Number 70/POJK.05/2016 concerning Sales and Purchases of Insurance, insurance brokers act as consultants and/or as intermediaries in insurance coverage both conventional and sharia as well as handling the settlement of claims by acting on behalf of the insured or the policyholder.

Generally, insurance brokers have various insurance options, including health insurance, life insurance, and insurance. All types of insurance, of course, have their respective functions.

Duitpintar as an insurance broker well as marketplace insurance product online registered and licensed by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), provides detailed explanations about insurance brokers, insurance options, to the duties and responsibilities of insurance brokers.

1. Car Insurance

Car insurance is insurance that must be owned by every four-wheeled vehicle owner. The reason is, the cost of servicing a car can reach millions of rupiah, especially if you have to tune and replace all kinds of spare parts .

Whether it's because of another driver's fault, because the age of the car is starting to age, or because the driver's own fault will cause the vehicle to experience problems.

Therefore, think of paying car insurance premiums as savings for the time when you have to service the car later.

2. Health Insurance

In addition to not knowing when we will experience health problems, health costs that continue to increase quite high every year make you obliged to anticipate with health insurance.

Health insurance is the best choice for those of you who want to get the best quality medical care without having to pay upfront all at once.

3. Life Insurance

Life insurance is the most appropriate way if you don't want to leave your family in a financial shock. This type of insurance is generally followed by each family head, so that family members who will be left behind can still get compensation from the premiums paid every month.

There are still many Indonesian people who think that life insurance is the same as hoping that the policyholder will die quickly. This kind of thinking is very wrong.

Life insurance is actually a preventive measure to prevent your family from experiencing financial difficulties after being left by the head of the family.

What is an Insurance Broker?

An insurance broker is an institution or professional body whose job is to assist the insurance customer to get his full rights over the insurance company in which the customer is the party holder.

Insurance brokers must protect the interests of insurance customers, in order to really get their rights from the insurance company without the slightest reduction.

In addition, insurance brokers also assist customers in taking care of matters related to the insurance that they register. Starting from administration, making claims, to managing contracts and so on.

Insurance brokers, also referred to as insurance brokers, are also government-established entities and cannot be replaced by individuals. It must really be an institution that works under the government.

Insurance Broker Duties and Responsibilities

Insurance Brokers have duties and responsibilities that must be carried out for the benefit of customers or insurance policy holders. What are those? The following is a full explanation of the duties of an insurance broker:

Introducing Risk Management Strategy to Clients

Insurance Brokers are required by law to explain risk management strategies. The goal is that the client can choose the right insurance according to the client's condition, including adjusting the financial condition because in insurance there is a premium that must be paid every month.

If the customer chooses the wrong insurance, it is not impossible that in the future it will be difficult to pay premiums in the future because it is considered too high.

Making Insurance Contract

Insurance brokers are also in charge of making insurance contracts according to customer needs.

That way, insurance brokers must understand what customers need related to the insurance they want to have.

Helping Customers Choose a Safe Insurer

Insurance Brokers must ensure that their customers or clients can choose a safe insurer. The point is, the broker must be able to guarantee that the customer is not wrong in choosing an insurance company.

Because in reality there are still many fake companies that are not registered with the Financial Services Authority or OJK. Well, this broker's job is to guarantee customers so they don't get illegal insurance.

Managing Administration

Not always customers understand about the administration of insurance. Now the Insurance Broker's job is as a customer representative to manage all the administration of the insurance program.

Not only that, Insurance Brokers can also help negotiate insurance claims if needed and help customers get the appropriate premium level.

In addition to the above tasks, the Financial Services Authority Regulation (PJOK) also explains several roles and authorities of insurance brokers, namely:

• The right to collect premiums representing the interests of the insurer.

• Obligation to provide advice to the insured or the insurer even though it is not asked for.

• Accompany the insured's lawyer if there is a time when he has to deal with the law.

• The broker has the right to make a claim to a third party based on a power of attorney with and or on behalf of the insured party.

• And many more

That's an explanation of insurance brokers. So, for those of you who want to take insurance but don't know where to start, contacting Duitpintar can be the right first step. 

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