Tanggal Merah HUT RI, Ganjil Genap Jakarta Tak Berlaku Hari Ini Rabu 17 Agustus 2022 |
The government has abolished the odd-even on a number of roads in Jakarta today, Wednesday (17/8/2022), because it coincides with the red date of a national holiday in commemoration of the 77th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia or RI 77th Anniversary.
According to the rules, Jakarta's odd-even is only valid from Monday to Friday. Meanwhile, on red dates of national holidays and weekends, Saturdays and Sundays, this policy is abolished.
Meanwhile, the implementation of odd-even hours is divided into two sessions, namely morning and afternoon until evening. The first session is in the morning, starting at 06.00 WIB - 10.00 WIB. While the second session in the afternoon, which is valid at 16.00 WIB - 21.00 WIB.
What needs to be remembered is that now the ticketing penalty has also been applied to all odd-even points in Jakarta, starting from Monday, June 13, 2022.
In addition, it should be noted that the odd-even Jakarta regulation is also in line with the extension of the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities or PPKM Java-Bali from 16 to 29 August 2022, as well as the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 40 of 2022 concerning the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities in Conditions of Corona Virus Disease 2019 in Java and Bali Region.
The re-enactment of gage points on 26 road sections has also been stated in the Governor's Regulation number 88 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Regulation Number 155 of 2018 concerning Traffic Restrictions with an Odd-Even System.
"The results of the meeting agreed that the gage will be reactivated to Pergub number 88 of 2019 which means that currently through arrangements for 13 roads, this will be reactivated on 25 roads," explained the Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Service, Syafrin Liputo, last Wednesday, May 25, 2022.
26 Odd Even Points Jakarta
Here are 26 odd-even points in Jakarta:
1. Big Doorway
2. Gajah Mada Street
3. Hayam Wuruk Street
4. Jalan Majapahit
5. Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat
6. Jalan MH Thamrin
7. Jalan Jenderal Sudirman
8. Sisingamangaraja Street
9. Jalan Panglima Polim
10. Fatmawati Street
11. Suryopranoto Street
12. Balikpapan Street
13. Kyai Caringin Street
14. Jalan Tomang Raya
15. Jalan Jenderal S Parman
16. Gatot Subroto Street
17. Jalan MT Haryono
18. Jalan HR Rasuna Said
19. Jalan DI Pandjaitan
20. Jalan Jenderal A. Yani
21. Scout Street
22. West side of Salemba Raya Street
23. East side of Salemba Raya Street from Jalan Paseban Raya to Jalan Diponegoro
24. Kramat Raya Street
25. Senen Station Street
26. Jalan Gunung Sahar
Odd Even Exception
However, there is an exception provision for motorized vehicles that are allowed to enter the odd-even areas of Jakarta.
The number of vehicles that can cross the odd-even area that applies on June 6, 2022 is as follows:
1. Specially marked vehicles carrying people with disabilities
2. Ambulance vehicle
3. Fire fighting vehicles
4. Public transport vehicles (yellow plate)
5. Vehicles driven by electric motors
6. Motorcycles
7. Special goods transport vehicles for oil and gas
8. Vehicles for the leadership of the RI state high institutions
9. Operational service vehicles with red plates, TNI and Polri
10. Vehicles of leaders and officials of foreign countries and international institutions who are state guests
11. Vehicles to provide assistance in traffic accidents
12. Vehicles for certain purposes according to the consideration of Polri officers, such as money transporting vehicles
13. Vehicles for health workers handling Covid-19, during the disaster management period caused by the spread of Covid-19.
14. Covid-19 patient mobilization vehicle
15. Covid-19 vaccine mobilization vehicle
16. Oxygen cylinder transport vehicle
17. Logistics transport goods vehicles.
PPKM Java and Bali Extended Until August 29, 2022
The government has decided to extend the policy for the implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in the Java-Bali region from 16 to 29 August 2022.
The Director General of Advil and Regional Development at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Safrizal ZA, said that this arrangement had been stated in the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 40 of 2022 concerning the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities in the Conditions of Corona Virus Disease 2019 in the Java and Bali Regions.
He also reminded that although the current condition of the Covid-19 pandemic is still relatively under control, compared to the peak of the Delta or Omicron .
"However, to maintain the situation, the government has decided to continue to extend the PPKM. This is done so that the public and all parties remain vigilant so that the Covid-19 situation remains under control as it is today," said Safrizal in his statement, Tuesday, August 16, 2022.
In addition, it is not only about PPKM being extended, but the entire Java-Bali region is included in Level 1.
"The determination of Level 1 in the entire Java-Bali region is also based on considerations and input from experts by taking into account the factual conditions in the field," said Safrizal.