The identity of the dead body at Mungkur Elephant Reservoir in Wonogiri was revealed, it turned out to be a resident of Bubakan Village, Girimarto District, Wonogiri

Terungkap Identitas Mayat di Waduk Gajah Mungkur Wonogiri, Ternyata Warga Desa Bubakan Kecamatan Girimarto Wonogiri
Terungkap Identitas Mayat di Waduk Gajah Mungkur Wonogiri, Ternyata Warga Desa Bubakan Kecamatan Girimarto Wonogiri

The identity of the body in Mungkur Wonogiri Elephant Reservoir was revealed, it turned out to be a resident of Bubakan Village, Girimarto District, Wonogiri.

The puzzle about the discovery of a dead body in Mungkur Wonogiri Elephant Reservoir has been revealed. It turned out that the victim was a resident of Bubakan Village, Girimarto Wonogiri District.

It is known that the unidentified corpse is Sukini (69), a resident of Bubakan Village, Girimarto Wonogiri District. This was confirmed by the Camat Girimarto Trisnadi .

"Yes, that's right, the discovery of the corpse in the Gajah Mungkur Reservoir, the victim is a resident of Bubakan Village. This morning, the Head of Bubakan Village had a discussion with us about the missing residents. Then I received information that a body was found and it turns out that it was indeed a resident of Bubakan Village, Girimarto Wonogiri District who had disappeared," said Girimarto Trisnadi Sub-district Head , Wednesday (31/8/2022). 

Head of Sub-district Girimarto Trisnadi explained that the victim was known to have left the house since Tuesday (30/8). The victim asked his neighbor to take him to Sidoharjo Market.

“After arriving, the neighbor who delivered it was given Rp. 20,000 and then asked to return it. The information is that we want treatment, but we don't know what kind of illness it is,” said Head of Sub-district Girimarto Trisnadi .

After being delivered to the Sidoharjo Market, the whereabouts of the victim is not known for certain. Until finally found dead in the waters of WGM. 

Meanwhile, the Wonogiri Police Chief AKBP Dydit Dwi Susanto through the Wonogiri Police Public Relations Subdivision Head, Aiptu Iwan Sumarsono, confirmed that there were no signs of abuse on the victim's body.

“The family has accepted this incident as a disaster, and does not demand an autopsy. The family also asked for the victim to be buried immediately, "said the Head of the Public Relations Subsidy for Public Relations of the Wonogiri Police.

Previously, Wonogiri residents were shocked by the discovery of a corpse in the Gajah Mungkur Wonogiri Reservoir , which is in a tourist attraction area on Wednesday (31/8/2022). 

The corpse of the female sex was without any attached identity.

Head of UPT Tourism Object WGM Pardianto , said the discovery of the body in the Gajah Mungkur Wonogiri reservoir occurred at around 09.00 WIB. The body was found floating around the pier.

“It was found around 9 o'clock by a fisherman who was going fishing at that time. He saw a shadow in the water near the pier," said Head of UPT Wisata WGM Pardianto .

Head of UPT Tourism Object WGM Pardianto said that after a fisherman saw the body, he then reported it to the tourism manager who then coordinated with the authorities. 

After the evacuation, it was confirmed that the victim was already dead. Unfortunately, none of the victims' identities were brought.

"At this time, his identity is unknown. The body was then taken to the RSUD Soediran Mangun Sumarso Wonogiri. (After the discovery) Tourism activities will continue as usual, "explained the Head of Tourism Object UPT WGM Pardianto .

Meanwhile, the village head of Sendang Sukamto said that his party had also received information regarding the discovery of the unidentified corpse in the Gajah Mungkur Reservoir, Wonogiri . 

According to him, the village has also informed about the discovery of the corpse in the Gajah Mungkur Wonogiri reservoir to a number of parties so that their identity will be immediately revealed.

"I have informed the village head's friends that maybe there are residents. Currently, the body is in the Wonogiri Hospital," said the village head of Sendang Sukamto .

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