Profile of Elliana Wibowo Who Dragged Police Officers in the Blue Bird Case

Profil Elliana Wibowo yang Seret Petinggi Polri di Kasus Blue Bird
Profil Elliana Wibowo yang Seret Petinggi Polri di Kasus Blue Bird

The name of the heirs of Blue Bird  Elliana Wibowo was hotly discussed after suing the Metro Jaya Regional Police Chief Fadil Imran and former National Police Chief Bambang Hendarso Danuri to the South Jakarta District Court.

Elliana did not accept that the police had stopped investigating cases of physical and psychological violence (beating and molestation) against her and her mother, Janti Wirjanto. Therefore, he put the two names on the list of people who he sued for Rp11 trillion in the fight for Blue Bird shares.

He and his mother claimed to have experienced physical violence and psychological intimidation by Blue Bird Director Purnomo Prawiro, Blue Bird Commissioner Noni Sri Aryati Purnomo, Endang Purnomo, and Indra Maki during the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) in 2000.

Meanwhile, Blue Bird claims to always implement good governance. The management also promised to follow the procedures for reporting Elliana's case to the South Jakarta District Court.

So, who exactly is Elliana?

Elliana is the daughter of Surjo Wibowo, one of the founders of Blue Bird Group. Surjo is said to have a 35 percent stake in the company.

Even so, the legal team for the founding of Blue Bird said that Elliana did not get her rights as the shareholder of the heirs. 

Elliana has not received dividends from the Blue Bird Group since 2013. Based on the calculations of the legal team, Elliana suffered a material loss of Rp1.36 trillion and an immaterial loss of Rp10 trillion because she had not received dividends since 2013 and received physical violence at the 2000 AGM.

Long before the lawsuit to the police, Elliana had actually sued several parties involved in the Blue Bird case.

Citing Jakarta, he once sued Blue Bird and Blue Bird officials in 2013. The lawsuit was registered with case number 507/PDT.G/2013/PN.JKT.SEL.

Elliana again sued Blue Bird for an unlawful act on June 2, 2014. The lawsuit was registered with case number 322/PDT.G/2014/PN.JKT.SEL. 

Then, he again sued Blue Bird on October 3, 2014 with a case against the law. The lawsuit was registered with case number 572/PDT.G/2014/PN JKT.SEL.

Subsequently, another lawsuit was filed against Blue Bird on December 3, 2014 for an unlawful act. The lawsuit was registered with case number 740/PDT.G/2014/PN JKT.SEL.

Not wanting to give up, Elliana returned to action by suing Blue Bird on May 11, 2016 for unlawful acts. The lawsuit is listed with case number 298/Pdt.G/2016/PN JKT.SEL.

The lawsuit was filed again on 25 October 2018 to Blue Bird with case number 825/Pdt.G/2018/PN JKT.SEL. 

Then, Elliana sued the Head of the Metro Jaya Regional Police on July 25, 2022 regarding the case with Blue Bird. This lawsuit was registered under case number 63/Pid.Pra/2022/PN JKT.SEL.

At the same time, he also sued Blue Bird and Blue Bird officials for unlawful acts on July 25, 2022. This lawsuit was recorded under case number 677/Pdt.G/2022/PN JKT.SEL.

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