Wins in the First Lawsuit, Bukalapak (BUKA) is Ready to Face the Second Lawsuit

Menang di Gugatan Pertama, Bukalapak (BUKA) Siap Hadapi Gugatan Kedua
Menang di Gugatan Pertama, Bukalapak (BUKA) Siap Hadapi Gugatan Kedua 

Regarding the second lawsuit filed by PT Harmas Jalesveva (Harmas) to PT Tbk (BUKA), BUKA's management is waiting for documents related to the lawsuit from the authorities to study and prepare, as well as take steps available law in accordance with the applicable law corridor.

In the previous lawsuit registered in the case register No.294/Pdt.G/2021/PN JKT.SEL, the panel of judges at the South Jakarta District Court could not accept the lawsuit for unlawful acts filed by Harmas. 

"The Court's decision has clearly granted Bukalapak's exception regarding the lack of parties in the lawsuit (plurium litis consortium) so that Harmas's claim cannot be accepted (niet onvankelijke verklaard). Bukalapak respects and will carry out this decision as a company that operates according to legal regulations in Indonesia, "said the Head of PR Bureau Bukalapak Monica Chua in an official statement, Monday (4/7/2022).

Bukalapak, he added, had intended to cooperate with Harmas in terms of renting a work location as outlined in the Letter of Intent. Bukalapak has also paid a down payment to strengthen this intention. However, Bukalapak was unable to continue the work location rental plan with the consideration that Harmas' obligations were still not fulfilled in providing work location space.

Although this plan was not continued, until now Harmas has not fulfilled its obligation to return the down payment to Bukalapak.

“Like when we won the first lawsuit, our position in the case in question is strong and clear. We cannot continue the cooperation plan with the plaintiff, considering that Harmas has not fulfilled the obligation to fulfill the work location space provision. Therefore, we did not contribute to the loss of the plaintiff's rental income or other losses. Therefore, we are ready to face this second lawsuit," said Monica. 

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