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Tipu Korban Hingga Hampir Rp90 Miliar, Pendiri Kripto Abal-abal My Big Coin Dinyatakan Bersalah |
When the crypto is growing rapidly, there will always be parties who take advantage of this moment to reap personal gain.
This is what the founder of the fake cryptocurrency My Big Coin , Randall Crater , who now has to face the law because he was charged with defrauding his investors of more than US $ 6 million.
Randall marketed and sold counterfeit digital assets that he claimed had a reference value of $300 million in gold, oil and other assets.
Currently, the Boston Court has found Randall guilty and is scheduled to be tried again on October 27, 2022 later.
Previously, Randall was arrested in February 2019, after receiving a lawsuit from the US CFTC in 2018.
Launching from Blockchain Media, My Big Coin was founded by Randall in 2013 by offering payment services using digital assets that were later discovered to be fake.
He also claims that his company has partnered with MasterCard and that its digital assets can be exchanged for fiat money or other digital currencies.
"Randall disseminated this misrepresentation through social media, the internet, email and text messages," said Court documents.
The document also explained that Randall had misappropriated more than US$6 million for his personal use.
“Crater sees the growing popularity of crypto as an opportunity to get rich quick through an unscrupulous fraudulent scheme shrouded in blatant marketing tactics and outright lies. In the end, he's just a swindler who made his way into the booming cryptocurrency world," said US Attorney Rachael S. Rollins.
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