Ministry of Industry Opens Banten Petrochemical Industry Polytechnic

Kemenperin Buka Politeknik Industri Petrokimia Banten

As a form of commitment to improve the quality of industrial human resources (HR), the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) has opened a Banten Petrochemical Industry Polytechnic college. The Ministry of Industry also provides employment bond scholarships for students entering the 2022/2023 academic year.

Registration for the Banten Petrochemical Industry Polytechnic is open from July 1 to 31, 2022. For registration, prospective students can register an account and complete the form at

The Head of the Industrial Human Resources Development Agency at the Ministry of Industry, Arus Gunawan, stated that the Banten Petrochemical Industry Polytechnic had intensively collaborated with industrial partners in the petrochemical field. The process of curriculum preparation, student recruitment, industrial work practices, and work placements are carried out by involving these partners.

“The implementation of this polytechnic must be carried out jointly between the Ministry of Industry and industry, starting from the preparation of the curriculum, to the placement of graduates in industrial companies. This is done to prepare competent industrial workers to be more productive and innovative," said Arus, Friday (1/7/2022).

According to him, the university, which is located in the city of Serang, Banten, implements a competency-based education system with a curriculum that is adapted to the development of industry 4.0 and a dual system learning model. As for the lecture method, it has a composition of 37% theory and 63% practice.

For the D3 level of study programs available at the Banten Petrochemical Industry Polytechnic, there are three, namely Petrochemical Industry Machinery Technology, Petrochemical Industry Instrumentation Technology, and Petrochemical Industry Process Technology. "Lectures are modified with the 3-2-1 concept, meaning three semesters of studying on campus, two semesters of internship in industry, and one semester returning to campus to work on projects in the petrochemical industry," he added.

In addition to implementing a curriculum that prioritizes direct practice in the industrial world, the Banten Petrochemical Industry Polytechnic is also supported by quite complete facilities, such as workshops, laboratories, and teaching factories with machines and equipment that are in accordance with conditions in the field.

"That way, at the time of work practice in industry, students already have sufficient knowledge and skills and the graduates produced are really ready to work," said Arus.

The Ministry of Industry, said Arus, is determined to encourage the growth of the petrochemical industry through increased investment, so that it can substitute imported products and boost export values. One of these goals is achieved through the preparation of competent industrial human resources.

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