PT Bank MNC Internasional Tbk (BABP) or MNC Bank, a subsidiary of PT MNC Kapital Indonesia Tbk (BCAP) under the auspices of the MNC Group, is the bank that holds funds and pays for transaction settlements for PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (KBI). ) and its members. This was realized through the signing of a cooperation agreement between MNC Bank and KBI.
The signing of this collaboration was carried out by the President Director of MNC Bank Mahdan and KBI President Director Fajar Wibhiyadi, and was attended by representatives of the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (CoFTRA) of the Ministry of Trade, Thursday (9/6/2022).
This collaboration aims to encourage an increase in futures trading transactions through the convenience of banking services provided by MNC Bank. In addition, this collaboration is one of MNC Bank's strategic steps to increase third party funds (DPK).
The election of MNC Bank as a bank for depositing funds and payment for transaction settlements has received permission from the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (CoFTRA) in April and received a recommendation from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) in December 2021. Activities for depositing margin funds, clearing guarantee funds, as well as transaction settlement payments will use the current account and banking services of MNC Bank, electronically and non-electronically. KBI and clearing members can take advantage of the e-Biz, bilyet giro, and book transfer facilities from MNC Bank.
"This collaboration is very strategic for MNC Bank because as a bank holding margin funds, MNC Bank can accommodate funds circulating in the futures exchange and increase participation," said Mahdan, president director of MNC Bank, Thursday (9/6/2022).
Meanwhile, Fajar Wibhiyadi said, this collaboration is a big part of KBI's efforts as a clearing-guarantee institution and settlement of commodity futures trading transactions on the Jakarta Futures Exchange to continue to encourage increased transactions. The entry of MNC Bank as a margin deposit bank has also gone through various assessment processes at KBI, which of course are based on prudential principles and corporate governance.
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"We hope that, in the future, MNC Bank can provide excellent service, especially regarding the storage of margin funds held by investors in commodity futures trading. We as a clearing house ensure to investors that the funds are safe," he said.
In 2021, MNC Bank deposits increased by 22.1% to Rp 11.24 trillion from Rp 9.21 trillion in 2020. This achievement is a form of increasing public trust in MNC Bank.
Meanwhile, in commodity futures trading, KBI acts as a clearing institution for guarantees and settlement of transactions on the Jakarta Futures Exchange (JFX). KBI's role is to ensure that all transactions are carried out in accordance with existing regulations. Currently, KBI has 72 members consisting of brokers and commodity futures traders
Throughout 2021, KBI recorded a transaction volume of 9,555,097 lots, consisting of 2,012,529 lots for multilateral transactions and 7,542,568 lots for alternative trading systems (SPA).
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