Meeting the Needs of Migrant Workers, BRI (BBRI) Boosts BRIFast Remittance Services

Guna memenuhi kebutuhan layanan remitansi bagi Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI), PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI) atau BRI menggenjot layanan BRIFast Remittance yang dapat menjadi solusi pengiriman uang ke 8.993 branch offices BRI di seluruh Indonesia.

In order to meet the needs of remittance services for Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI), PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI) or BRI boosts BRIFast Remittance which can be a solution for remittances to 8,993 branch offices throughout Indonesia .

Senior Executive Vice President Treasury & Global Services, Achmad Royadi said that BRI's extensive network throughout Indonesia made it easier for PMI to send money. Furthermore, he said BRI has partnered with 100 global companies that have a Money Transfer Operator (MTO) as BRI's official partners using the BRIFast Remittance .

BRIFast Remittance can facilitate counterparts through several remittance options for customers , especially PMIs. PMI can choose several types of delivery mechanisms, including sending money directly to a bank account, and sending cash without an account (BRIFast Cash).

“BRI always wants to provide convenience for Indonesian Migrant Workers who are currently working abroad . Through the BRIFast Remittance service, BRI can provide remittance services not only to PMI who are BRI customers, but also to those who are not customers," said in an official statement, Wednesday (22/6/2022).

BRI services are also supported by 8,993 branch offices and 221,531 e-channels in 34 provinces in Indonesia. In addition, the issuer codenamed BBRI also has 552,709 BRILink agents to ensure that all people in various parts of Indonesia can access banking services. 

In addition, BRI also has Bank Representative (BR) representatives in several country corridors spread across Southeast Asia, East Asia, and the Middle East to help answer all the remittance service needs of the Indonesian people.

On the other hand, to facilitate customer needs in sending funds from Indonesia to other countries ( outward remittance ), BRI also provides International Transfer Feature services through Digital banking and monitors the status of sending transactions through BRIfast Tracker. Financial Super Apps already have more than 100 features so that they can provide holistic solutions for customers with a number of users who have penetrated 16.1 million users .

“BRImo also offers other advantages, namely currency conversion from rupiah to foreign currency and vice versa at a competitive exchange rate. Customers can get offers that are more attractive when compared to similar applications, especially for deliveries with high amounts , " he concluded.

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