#MadeforEveryFamily, Prudential Expands Family Protection

PT Prudential Life Assurance (Prudential Indonesia) and PT Prudential Sharia Life Assurance (Prudential Syariah) have strengthened their commitment to expanding access to protection for Indonesian families through the launch of the #MadeforEveryFamily campaign with the tagline “Celebrating Togetherness”.

Through #MadeforEveryFamily, Prudential Indonesia and Prudential Syariah expand the coverage of beneficiaries and coverage on their insurance policies from previously limited to the nuclear family, to now also include extended family members, such as grandparents, grandchildren, nephews and in-laws.

Along with the dynamics of life, the needs of extended families outside the nuclear family in terms of financial protection, health and life protection are also growing. Moreover, the culture of accommodating the needs of extended families outside the nuclear family has become an inseparable part of Indonesian society.

One of the newest solutions that embodies the #MadeforEveryFamily spirit is the traditional Syariah life insurance, PRUSolusi Syariah Critical Conditions (PKKS), which provides protection for 60 types of critical conditions. PKKS is also the first product innovation from Prudential Syariah.

Michellina L. Triwardhany (Dhany), President Director of Prudential Indonesia said, through #MadeforEveryFamily, his party is committed to expanding access to health and financial protection. Now, extended family members, including parents, grandparents, and even sons-in-law, can be beneficiaries and are covered under Prudential's insurance policy.

“By providing access for extended family members to be able to protect each other, Prudential helps Indonesian families to strengthen their financial resilience. This is in line with the company's aspiration to create a healthier and more prosperous society, so that they can get the best in life," said Dhany at the launch on Thursday (16/6/2022).

In addition to supporting the nuclear family, one of the dynamics faced by the family is the increasing possibility of family members who are still productive to bear the living expenses of their parents. This includes covering the costs of hospitalization when their parents are sick.

Meanwhile, Philip Mulyana, Financial Coach and Advisor, said that the dependency ratio of the elderly to the productive age is increasing from year to year. BPS data shows that over the last five years, the dependency ratio of the elderly (aged 60 years and over) has continued to increase from 14.02 in 2017 to 16.76 in 2021.

“This means that every 100 people of productive age (aged 15-59 years) must support at least 17 elderly people. The pandemic also poses a big challenge for families when many people have to lose their jobs, so they need to be assisted by other family members who are still productive,” said Philip.

“These two factors are examples of the increasing importance of protection, not only for ourselves and our families, but also for our parents and closest relatives. This is important to help keep them protected, while ensuring that the nuclear family's financial condition remains strong. An inclusive life and health protection solution can be one of the solutions to achieve financial security for the whole family,” added Philip.

For celebrity and influencer, Mona Ratuliu, the #MadeforEveryFamily campaign message really represents Mona and her husband, who always prioritize togetherness not only in the nuclear family, but also in the extended family.

“Family should be a strong pillar, a good place to lean on for the people who are in it. One example is when my niece had to lose her mother when she was 2 years old, so my husband and I decided to fully help and try to provide protection so that my nephew can grow and grow up well, in the shade of the warmth of the family, “said Mona sharing her experience.

In realizing various supports for the Indonesian people, Prudential Indonesia is supported by strong fundamentals. “Prudential Indonesia has been trusted to protect Indonesian families through various challenges for almost 27 years, including during the COVID-19 crisis. Prudential Indonesia is also trusted to protect 2.5 million insured, and continues to prove its commitment to protection for customers, one of which is through payment of claims and benefits of Rp. 16.6 trillion throughout 2021. This support is further strengthened by the company's sound financial condition, as reflected in the level of solvency ( Risk Based Capital ) of 479%," concluded Dhany. 

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