Ganjar's name strengthens in the Nasdem National Working Meeting, even though this party is expected to carry Anies Baswedan

Anies Baswedan is predicted to run in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. 

Moreover, the electability of the Governor of DKI Jakarta is relatively high, he has never been outside the top three in any survey released by a number of institutions. 

The weakness is that Anies Baswedan is not Prabowo Subianto or Puan Maharani who has a political vehicle. 

There were many rumors that Anies Baswedan would be promoted by the Nasdem Party. 

Today, the party created by Surya Paloh also held a National Working Meeting, with the agenda of collecting the names of the proposed 34 DPW presidential candidates.

The results are quite surprising. 

Indeed Anies Baswedan is in the top position. The majority of DPW proposed it. 

But on the other hand, the second rank of the proposals that were collected was Ganjar Pranowo . 

Does this also indicate that Nasdem is starting to consider carrying Ganjar if PDIP insists on advancing Puan Maharani in the 2024 presidential election? 

UIN political observer Syarif Hidayatullah Adi Prayitno stated that why Nasdem collected so many names today was none other than because they were still calculating the presidential candidate map for 2024. 

"The majority of DPW who proposed the name Anis also put Nasdem in a dilemma. Why? There are at least two factors," he told Thenewbienews, Thursday (16/6/2022). 

First, according to Adi, is because Nasdem's voter base contradicts, say, the group that has been supporting Anies. 

The second factor, he continued, is that as we all know there is a tendency for Anies to be seen as a non-government person who has been marginalized politically.

"Well, if it carries Anies, Nasdem must be ready to go head to head with the government candidate. Is it ready?"

Adi also spoke about the strong support from DPW Nasdem to Ganjar Pranowo .

According to him, with Ganjar's high electability, the figure of the Governor of Central Java has become a political commodity.

"Even without political resistance, all political parties will look to Ganjar as a presidential candidate. Moreover, PDI-P has been increasingly supportive of Puan."

Similar to Charta Politica Survey

The names of the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo and the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan were the most widely proposed by the Regional Leadership Council (DPW) of the Nasdem Party.

The names of these two regional heads are figures who have a great chance of winning in the presidential election when referring to the results of a number of survey institutions

The results of the Charta Politica Indonesia survey, the electability of the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo , is the most superior compared to 10 other presidential candidates. 

The latest survey states that Ganjar Pranowo received the highest vote, at 31.2 percent. 

Followed by Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan . 

When viewed in terms of trends from April 2022 to June, Ganjar has experienced an increase in electability. 

"Viewed from the trend side, Ganjar Pranowo has increased electability, while the electability of Prabowo Subianto and Anies Baswedan tends to stagnate," explained the results of the Charta Politica survey quoted by Thenewbienews, Tuesday (14/6/2022). 

Meanwhile, a political observer from Al-Azhar University Indonesia, Ujang Komarudin, said at the National Working Meeting (Rakernas) the National Democratic Party or NasDem would not lock up by announcing the candidate who would be promoted as a presidential candidate for the 2024 election. 

Ujang predicts that a number of names will appear and be carried by NasDem. 

Some of those names include Anies Baswedan , Ganjar Pranowo , to General Andika Perkasa. 

"So it looks like we will announce several names," said Ujang Komarudin via text message to Thenewbienews, Monday (13/6/2022). 

However, Ujang mentioned more specifically the name that could potentially be carried by the party created by Surya Paloh. 

"It seems that the names that have high electability are Anies and Ganjar," he said. 

The following are the complete results of all the names of the figures proposed by the 34 DPW of the NasDem Party: 

1. DPW Nasdem Papua: Ganjar Pranowo , Anies Baswedan , Ridwan Kamil, Mathius Awoitauw 

2. DPW Nasdem Central Sulawesi : Lestari Moerdijat, Anies Baswedan , Ganjar Pranowo 

3. DPW Nasdem East Nusa Tenggara: Ganjar Pranowo , Anies Baswedan , Dudung Abdurachman, Viktor Laiskodat 

4. DPW Nasdem North Sumatra : Siswono Yudo Husodo, Anies Baswedan , Ganjar Pranowo , Andika Perkasa, Erick Thohir 

5. DPW Nasdem West Kalimantan: Anies Baswedan , Ganjar Pranowo , Khofifah Indar Parawansa 

6. Southeast Sulawesi Nasdem DPW: Anies Baswedan , Ganjar Pranowo , Rachmat Gobel, Prananda Surya Paloh, Syahrul Yasin Limpo 

7. DPW Nasdem South Sumatra: Anies Baswedan , Ganjar Pranowo , Herman Deru, Erick Thohir, Rachmat Gobel 

8. DPW Nasdem West Papua : Ganjar Pranowo , Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Prananda Surya Paloh, Mathius Awoitauw 

9. DPW Nasdem East Java: Anies Baswedan , Ganjar Pranowo , Andika Perkasa, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, Rachmat Gobel 

10. DPW Nasdem East Kalimantan : Prananda Surya Paloh, Isran Noor 

11. DPW Nasdem West Nusa Tenggara : Tuan Guru Bajang, Anies Baswedan , Ganjar Pranowo 

12. DPW Nasdem Riau Islands: Anies Baswedan , Ganjar Pranowo , Ahmad Sahroni, Lestari Moerdijat, Erick Thohir 

13. DPW Nasdem Maluku: Anies Baswedan , Ganjar Pranowo , Erick Thohir, Rachmat Gobel, Syahrul Yasin Limpo 

14. DPW Nasdem Special Region of Yogyakarta : Andika Perkasa, Anies Baswedan , Ganjar Pranowo , Rachmat Gobel 

15. DPW Nasdem South Sulawesi : Ahmad Ali, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Anies Baswedan , Ganjar Pranowo , Rachmat Gobel 

16. DPW Nasdem Banten : Anies Baswedan , Erick Thohir, Sandiaga Uno, Andika Perkasa, Wahidin Halim 

17. DPW Nasdem Central Java : Ganjar Pranowo , Andika Perkasa, Anies Baswedan , Erick Thohir, Lestari Moerdijat 

18. DPW Nasdem Gorontalo : Anies Baswedan , Ganjar Pranowo , Rachmat Gobel, Erick Thohir, Andika Perkasa 

19. DPW Nasdem Aceh: Anies Baswedan , Ganjar Pranowo , Rachmat Gobel, Erick Thohir, Sofyan Kalio 

20. DPW Nasdem North Kalimantan: Anies Baswedan , Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Ganjar Pranowo , Erick Thohir, Khofifah Indar Parawansa 

21. DPW Nasdem West Sumatra: Anies Baswedan , Ganjar Pranowo , Erick Thohir, Ridwan Kamil, Ahmad Sahroni 

22. DPW Nasdem Central Kalimantan : Surya Paloh, Anies Baswedan , Ganjar Pranowo , Ridwan Kamil, Andika Perkasa 

23. DPW Nasdem Lampung: Anies Baswedan , Ganjar Pranowo , Erick Thohir, Lestari Moerdijat, Rachmat Gobel 

24. DPW Nasdem South Kalimantan : Anies Baswedan , Khofifah Indar Parawansa, Andika Perkasa 

25. DPW Nasdem Jambi: Anies Baswedan , Rachmat Gobel, Syarif Fasha, Ganjar Pranowo , Erick Thohir 

26. DPW Nasdem West Sulawesi: Anies Baswedan , Ganjar Pranowo , Erick Thohir, Andika Perkasa, Rachmat Gobel, Syahrul Yasin Limpo 

27. DPW Nasdem Bangka Belitung : Anies Baswedan , Ganjar Pranowo , Erick Thohir, Ridwan Kamil 

28. DPW Nasdem North Maluku : Anies Baswedan , Ahmad Ali, Prananda Surya Paloh, Rachmat Gobel 

29. DPW Nasdem Riau: Anies Baswedan , Ganjar Pranowo , Erick Thohir, Andika Perkasa, Siti Nurbaya Bakar 

30. DPW Nasdem Bali : Ganjar Pranowo , Rachmat Gobel, Dudung Abdurachman, Anies Baswedan 

31. DPW Nasdem Bengkulu: Anies Baswedan , Ganjar Pranowo , Andika Perkasa, Ahmad Sahroni, Lestari Moerdijat 

32. DPW Nasdem DKI Jakarta : Anies Baswedan , Ahmad Sahroni, Lestari Moerdijat 

33. DPW Nasdem North Sulawesi: Prananda Surya Paloh, Rachmat Gobel, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Ganjar Pranowo , Andika Perkasa, Anies Baswedan . Vice President: Isran Noor 

34. DPW Nasdem West Java: Anies Baswedan , Andika Perkasa, Ganjar Pranowo , Erick Thohir 

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