Beware, 133 Stocks Enter the Watchlist Stock

Karyawati berjalan di depan layar elektronik Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) di Jakarta. Foto ilustrasi: BeritaSatu Photo/Mohammad Defrizal
Karyawati berjalan di depan layar elektronik Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) di Jakarta. Foto ilustrasi: BeritaSatu Photo/Mohammad Defrizal 

The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) announced a list of equity securities under the latest special monitoring, which is effective as of June 24, 2022.

Previously, in this list there were 134 stocks that were subject to special monitoring. However, on this latest list, the number is reduced by one to 133 shares.

Excluded from the latest special monitoring list are shares of PT Harapan Duta Pertiwi Tbk (HOPE). Where, previously, it entered criteria 10 or because securities trading was stopped for more than one trading day due to trading activities.

In establishing this list, the IDX appointed Rule Number II-S concerning Trading of Equity Securities Under Special Monitoring.

In addition, this is in order to provide protection to investors regarding fundamental information and/or liquidity of listed companies.

"The Exchange hereby stipulates a list of equity securities under special monitoring to be effective on June 24, 2022," explained the IDX announcement quoted on Friday (6/24/2022).

There are criteria for equity securities under special monitoring, namely:

1. The average share price for the last six months in the regular market is less than Rp 51.00.

2. The last audited financial report received a disclaimer.

3. Not recording income or there is no change in income in the latest audited financial statements and/or interim financial statements compared to the previously submitted financial statements.

4. a. For a listed company engaged in the mineral and coal mining business that has carried out the production operation stage but has not yet reached the sales stage or has not started the production operation stage at the end of the 4th financial year since being listed on the Exchange, has not received income from its main business activities. ( core business ).

b. For a listed company which is a holding company that has a controlled company engaged in the mineral and coal sector that has carried out the production operation stage but has not yet reached the sales stage or which has not started the production operation stage at the end of the 4th financial year since being listed on the Exchange, has not obtained income from main business activities ( core business ).

5. Have negative equity in the latest financial statements.

6. a. Does not meet the requirements to remain listed on the Exchange as regulated in Rule Number IA concerning Listing of Shares and Equity Securities Other than Shares Issued by the Listed Company, for a listed company whose shares are listed on the main board or on the development board.

b. Does not meet the requirements to remain listed on the Exchange as regulated in Rule Number IV concerning Special Provisions for Listing Shares and Equity Securities Other than Shares on the Acceleration Board Issued by the Listed Company, for a listed company whose shares are listed on the acceleration board.

7. Having low liquidity with criteria of daily average transaction value of shares of less than Rp 5 million and average daily transaction volume of shares of less than 10,000 shares for the last six months in the regular market.

8. In the event that a postponement of the obligation for payment of debt (PKPU) is requested or bankruptcy is requested.

9. Having a subsidiary whose income contribution is material for the listed company and the subsidiary is in a condition where a PKPU or bankruptcy petition is filed. 

10. There is a temporary suspension of securities trading for more than one trading day caused by trading activities.

11. Other conditions determined by the Exchange after obtaining approval or an order from the Financial Services Authority.

The following is a list of equity securities under special monitoring:

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