Askrindo and BPD Bali Establish Cooperation between KUR and PEN Gen2

Askrindo dan BPD Bali Jalin Kerjasama KUR dan PEN Gen2

PT Asuransi Kredit Indonesia (Askrindo) cooperates with the Regional Development Bank (BPD) of Bali to establish a partnership between KUR and PEN Second Generation (Gen 2). The second generation PEN program is expected to provide room for the business world to seize the opportunity for the momentum of Bali's economic recovery amid the controlled Covid-19 condition.

Askrindo President Director Priyastomo said this synergy is a continuation of the synergy that has existed for quite a long time. "We really appreciate the KUR guarantee cooperation that has existed since 2016 until now, which has provided guarantee support to 21,159 KUR program debtors, with ceiling of Rp 2.31 trillion," he explained in a press statement, Wednesday (29/6/2022). 

Priyastomo also added that since the pandemic, the Government has sought National Economic Recovery through the KMK PEN program and Askrindo has been assigned as a guarantor institution. "BPD Bali is one of our main partners in supporting the PEN program initiated by the government. From 2020 to 2021 the total ceiling will reach IDR 31.6 billion," said Priyastomo.

Furthermore, Priyastomo also hopes that this good and mutual cooperation will continue. Not only to support the Government's program but also for the sustainability of MSME business actors who are the pillars of the Indonesian economy. 

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