How to Get Free Haven Guardian Bundle on FF Max This Week

Free Fire (FF) Max developer launched various events themed FFWS 2022 Sentosa which is Garena's biennial global tournament.

Garena has released a teaser for the Haven Guardian Bundle , which is probably the most desirable item to get for free.

Players only need to collect unique tokens and exchange them for these items.

To get the Haven Guardian Bundle, players must collect the FFWS Green Ticket in Free Fire Max . It is available from May 13 to May 24, 2022 when the map drops in Battle Royale mode. 

Meanwhile, gamers will also receive two FFWS Green Tickets as match drops in Clash Squad mode and one ticket in daily unlimited Lone Wolf matches.

In addition, players will receive twice the number of tokens after the match drop in game mode on May 21-22 2022.

In addition to the Haven Guardian Bundle, the following is a list of items that players can get:

1. Exchange 50 FFWS Green Tickets to get the Haven Guardian Bundle.

2. Redeem 5 FFWS Green Tickets to get a Diamond Royale Voucher. 

3. Exchange 10 FFWS Green Tickets to get the Honorable Fighters Banner. 

4. Exchange 10 FFWS Green Tickets to get Honorable Fighters Avatar.

5. Exchange 10 FFWS Green Tickets to get a Golden Haven pin.

6. Exchange 10 FFWS Green Tickets to get FFWS Lobby music.

7. Exchange 5 FFWS Green Tickets to get a Weapon Royale Voucher. 

8. Redeem 1 FFWS Green Ticket to get a Random Loadout Loot Crate.

To claim the prize, if the player has collected enough tokens, the player can access the events section then click on Miraculous Store and press the Claim button next to the prize.

Players must start collecting tickets as quickly as possible to get all the themed collectibles up for grabs. 

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