How to Create an Automatic Subcribe Button Link for Youtube Channel 2022

Hallo, meet again with the newbie who on this occasion I will give tips and how to make an automatic link to subscribe to the Youtube channel . Making automatic subscribe link is very important for youtubers who want to quickly increase their youtube channel subscriptions as a requirement for monetization with a minimum of 1000 subscribers to get acc.

To make it easier for people to subscribe to your channel, first you can create a link that automatically subscribes to YouTube channel with one click. In this automatic method, your prospective subscribers don't need to bother looking anymore, click the subscribe button on your channel, just click 1 time and you will be directed to the subscribe button.

To increase the number of subscribers, YouTubers can also take advantage of animated Like and Subscribe buttons in the form of videos that can be pasted at the beginning of the video, in the middle of the video, at the end of the video and can be pasted as desired. To get the animation, you can download the Like and Subscribe buttons on the green screen in the form of an animated video.

Currently the number of Youtube subscribers is an important number to stay noticed. Because one of the main factors besides content One thing that can affect your position on Youtube is the number of subscribers. The more subscribers, the bigger the possibility get profit and income for a youtuber.

Create an Automatic Link to Subscribe to Youtube Channels

link automatic subscribe button on a youtube channel? To make an automatic link to subscribe to a YouTube channel, it's actually quite easy, you just need to add the text below at the end of your YouTube channel link.


Please add the text above after your YouTube channel link. For example, we use the address or link of the "div studio" youtube channel below. For more details, please follow the steps below.

How to Make Automatic Subscribe Links on Youtube Channels

1. Login to Youtube Channel .

2. Then click Youtube Profile at the top right.

3. Then click Your Channel .

4. Then Copy the link Youtube Channel , for example the Risdosagalavsjilong Studio link:

5. Then add ?sub_confirmation=1 at the end of the link as follows

6. If it's correct, people who click on the link will automatically open our YouTube page and ask for confirmation to subscribe as shown below.

How to test whether the Automatic Subscribe link is working or not

After you create an automatic link that has added an automatic subscribe code, it's time to test whether the link is active and go to our youtube channel page. Because it could be a typo or something is missing. To test it please follow the steps as follows.

  1. Login to a Google/Youtube that has not yet subscribed to your channel.
  2. Then click the link that has been created or copy-paste in the browser.
  3. If the link displays a popup menu showing the "SUBSCRIBE" or "CANCEL" option as shown in Figure 2 above, then the link you created is correct.
  4. If the link made is wrong or something is missing, please check again the steps as above, make sure it is correct in writing or do not make a typo.


By using the automatic subscribe link, the user will automatically do the following: subscribe even if you don't click the subscribe button on the channel page. Using this subscribe link can make it easier for yaoutber to get subscribed, the link will automatically subscribe, users don't have to click the subscribe button again on the channel page. But if you have

Thus, The Newbie's article discusses how to create an automatic link to subscribe to the Youtube channel, I hope this article is useful. thank you

Tags: youtube, Subceribe, subscription, youtube channel

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