First Impressions Trying to Ride Navya, the First Self-driving Car to Operate in Indonesia

The operation of Navya Arma as a driverless electric bus is a manifestation of the latest technology from the transportation industry that emphasizes the concept of mobility. 

Advances in driving technology are now not only adopting electric machines, but also using radar, artificial intelligence, and sensor signals. The most recent is the emergence of many automotive products that no longer need a driver.

In Indonesia, one of the latest trials of this self-driving product is the presence of Navya which operates in the Q Big area, BSD. The inaugural operation was thanks to the cooperation between property developer Sinar Mas Land and Mitsubishi Corporation.

These two autonomous vehicles are only available at Bumi Serpong Damai, a property area owned by Sinar Mas Land. For anyone who wants to experience the sensation of an unmanned bus, registration for prospective passengers is open to the public. 

To experience the electric bus, people can first install OneSmile from a smartphone and register. Once registered and logged in to the app, tap Mitsubishi automated driving test drive experience.

You will then be asked to take a survey before trying it out. It will show whether you are a resident of BSD, your job, and your annual income.

Then, you will get a barcode that can be used as a ticket to try the electric bus. Those who can ride this are adults over the age of 15 years. 

When The Newbie tested and monitored the shuttle at the location at 10.00 WIB, Saturday (21/5/2022), it seemed that not many passengers were waiting for the self-driving bus.

During the trial, applicants can only take the bus once a day. Either up or down, the officer will scan the barcode that has been obtained.

After you finish using the unmanned electric bus, you will be asked to fill out a survey again. This is to see what the vehicle's performance looks like, from how to drive, turn, to stop. 

Previously, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi continued to encourage the private sector to start using autonomous vehicles. He expressed this at the Inauguration ceremony, Friday (20/5/2022) at BSD City, Tangerang, Banten.

"I am proud that the private sector has played an active role in supporting the government's efforts to present this future vehicle in Indonesia. This smart transportation system is an inevitability that will happen," he was quoted as saying in a press statement.

The Minister of Transportation said collaboration with the private sector will continue to be carried out in order to accelerate the use of autonomous transportation in Indonesia.

“The private sector has a more flexible and advanced system to take advantage of this kind of technology. If the private sector plays an active role this will be a tremendous force. We encourage the private sector to be involved in the construction of the transportation system in the National Capital City (IKN) later," he said.

IKN development is carried out by carrying out the Smart, Green and Sustainability (Smart, Green and Sustainability) concept. The presence of smart and environmentally friendly transportation such as autonomous electric vehicles will make Indonesia a leading country.

"We have to believe we can make this happen and this momentum is right when Indonesia is trusted to hold the Presidency of this year's G-20 Summit," said the Minister of Transportation.

The Minister of Transportation hopes that in the future it will be able to present autonomous vehicles based on mass transportation in Indonesia.

The use of autonomous electric vehicles has a number of advantages when compared to conventional fossil fueled vehicles. Starting from the low carbon emissions produced so that it is more environmentally friendly, to reducing the rate of accidents caused by human error.

Based on information from Sinar Mas Land, this autonomous electric vehicle comes from France with the trademark Navya Arma variant. This vehicle will be operated at two location points, namely Q Big BSD City and the BSD Green Office Park area.

Navya Arma has an electric drive and a battery pack with a capacity of 33 kWh that can last for 9 hours. The electric vehicle has dimensions of 4.7 mx 2.1 m with a passenger capacity of 15 people, with 11 sitting and 4 standing formations.

Arma is equipped with a variety of sensors ranging from the use of GPS (Global Positioning System), LIDAR (Light Radar) sensors combined with high resolution cameras for big data analysis, which will then be processed by a computer that has high specifications embedded in the car.

This unmanned electric transportation has the ability to accelerate, navigate, and can detect environmental conditions around it, including avoiding obstacles and making stops autonomously. 

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