9 Ways to Overcome SIM Card No Service on Xiaomi Phones Before Going to Service Center

Have you ever had a problem with your xiaomi cellphone without network service ? After checking, instead of sim 1 is not available but instead the sim card is read. It's weird..

The problem with the sim card is detected but there is no network on the android phone, of course it will result in you not being able to make phone calls, chat via whatsapp or internet access.

This is because the xiaomi cellphone network or signal is completely lost. And usually a cross will appear in the signal bar or a notification that there is no service on the xiaomi phone.

This time Smartphone Solution will try to give 9 ways to solve the xiaomi cellphone there is no service before you go to the service place to replace the signal IC.

How to solve SIM card no service on Xiaomi cellphone 

There are many factors that cause the sim card to have no service on your xiaomi cellphone. Starting from the weather factor to hardware damage to the android device itself.

But often android users always think the problem comes from a damaged sim card so it can't be read when it is inserted into the sim card slot.

Even though cellphones that cannot get the signal can also occur due to software or hardware factors in Android itself.

Why is there no service on a Xiaomi cellphone?

When the condition of the android phone appears notifications such as "Undetected SIM", "Sim card not inserted" or "SIM initialization failure" the network will not automatically appear.

And at that time you will think that that is the reason the sim card is not registered on the network. 

Therefore, here are some of the factors that cause the sim card to have no service as follows:
  • Bugs / errors on the Android HP system
  • Broken SIM Card Brass
  • There is a network problem at our place
  • Damage to components, for example, such as IC Signals
And it turns out that not a few are caused by a damaged signal IC so that a service fee that is not cheap is needed to repair the xiaomi cellphone.

Therefore, here I will give you the steps you can take so that the Xiaomi cellphone signal can reappear.

9 Ways to Overcome a SIM Card That Has No Service on All Xiaomi Phones

1. Check Your Friend's Xiaomi Mobile Network

The purpose of why you need to look at a friend's xiaomi cellphone is to determine whether he is also experiencing the no service problem. But make sure you look at a friend's phone that uses the same cellular carrier.

For example, you use card 3, look for your friends who also use tri cards.

This is because the sim card has no service, it can also be caused by interference from the provider operator itself. 

So if the tri card has no service on your xiaomi cellphone and your friend's, the solution is to wait until the signal on the xiaomi cellphone reappears. Because the operator would need time to repair the cellular network.

But if on your friend's cellphone the signal from card 3 is fine, try fishing with the steps below.

2. Fishing in Airplane Mode 

One way that is quite effective when there is no service on the sim card is to activate airplane mode.

By turning on airplane mode, you indirectly refresh the network that does not appear. Here's how:
  • First enter the Settings menu.
  • Then look for Network and Internet.
  • Then turn on airplane mode.
Apart from the settings menu, you can also set airplane mode via quick settings. By pulling the Xiaomi cellphone screen down you will enter the quick settings menu.

3. Make sure the SIM Card Connector is Not Damaged

The sim card connector can also be one of the causes of the xiaomi cellphone unable to detect the installed sim card.

This is usually because the brass on the connector is starting to wear out because you change sim cards too often.

An easy way to check is to see if there is a change in the shape of the brass or swap the unreadable sim card with another sim card. 

If with another sim card notification of no service can be lost and the signal reappears then that means the damage comes from the sim card that you use.

And vice versa, if there is still no network then the sim card connector itself is the cause.

The only solution if the sim card connector is damaged is to replace it with a new one.

However, at the previous meeting, I reviewed how to outsmart the problem of a damaged sim card connector with a solution. 

However, before you declare the connector is damaged, there are other things that greatly affect the unreadable sim card. Namely: the sim card itself.

4. Remove, Install and Position the SIM Card 

Incorrect position of the chip or sim card brass will cause resulting in the sim card not being detected, as a result the signal network is not will appear.

In the network settings menu, you can check whether the sim card has been read or not on your xiaomi phone.

If the sim card is read but there is no service on the xiaomi cellphone then try to clean the brass chip first in the following way:
  • First look at the brass chip of the sim card, if it starts to get black or dull, clean it using a pencil eraser.
  • Rub gently with a unidirectional motion, do not back and forth.
  • After that clean with a tissue slightly moistened with eucalyptus oil.
  • The next step is to re-install the sim card and make sure the installation position is correct.
If after the xiaomi cellphone is turned on but there is still no service, try re-entering the cellular network settings and then check the APN section.

5. Contact Customer Service 

I have experienced this incident myself when the sympathy card on my android phone had no service.

I have done all the methods above and finally the cause of the signal not wanting to appear was because the sympathy card was damaged.

If you are also experiencing an incident like I did then the steps to overcome it are,
  • Came to the official outlet, at that time because there was no service on the sympathy card, I went to the official sympathy outlet
  • After that, talk about the problem with the cutomer service if the sim card used is damaged
  • If the sim card does not expire, we will be asked for personal data (can be from ID / SIM) for re-registration
  • After that we can make a new sim card with the old cellphone number
  • But at that time I asked to top up all my credit for only 25 thousand
It's easy enough not to be able to use a new card with an old cellphone number.

After installed, IT'S WORK signal can reappear and card notification sim no service has automatically disappeared completely. 

6. Check APN Settings 

APN or network access point serves to connect the mobile phone network to the mobile operator from the sim card that we use.

For that you need to make sure the APN of the sim card used is correct and in the mobile network settings.

Because if the cellphone is not available or the APN settings are different from those already registered, it is certain that the sim card will have no service and the mobile data of the android cellphone does not appear .

Here's how to set the APN on the xiaomi cellphone, the steps are:
  • Enter the Settings menu
  • After that tap on SIM Card & Mobile Network
  • Then select the sim card that you will set the apn to, for example you use Telkomsel > select Telkomsel
  • Then on the Cellular Network menu select Access Point Names
After that, the Telkomsel card APN menu will appear, you just need to adjust it if there are changes.

7. Change Network Priority 

One of the reasons why there is no service on the xiaomi cellphone is the unavailability of the network where you are.

For example, if in your location there is only 3G network available and in your settings you change it to LTE priority, then you will get no service problem.

For that, try changing the network settings according to the signal where you currently live. The method :
  • First go to Settings then select SIM Card & Mobile Network
  • Then enter Priority Network Type
  • Then replace the existing network according to where you live.
Try changing it to 3G or 2G priority until the signal on the Xiaomi cellphone appears again. And this method I have used successfully on a xiaomi redmi 5a cellphone that has no signal.

But if the case is that the sim card is detected but there is no network, try to make sure to use step 8 below.

8. Check IMEI Is There Or Not

This step is key.

Why is that ? By making sure the imei number on the xiaomi cellphone, you can find out if the cellphone lost signal is damaged or not.

How to check the imei of a xiaomi cellphone is also quite easy:
  • First go to Dial Phone
  • Then type *#06#
  • After that look on your cellphone screen, the IMEI number will appear or not
If the imei number appears but the cellphone signal is lost, it can be ascertained that the damage is on the hardware of the android device. Whether it's on the signal ic or other components.

But if on the screen of the cellphone the imei number appears "NULL / Invalid IMEI" then the problem with the xiaomi cellphone that there is no signal service is caused by the software factor.

As experienced by my friend, after doing a factory reset the imei number was lost (unknown). So he has to do flashing to restore the lost signal on the xiaomi redmi 4x cellphone because the imei number is unknown.

9. Flashing HP Xiaomi

Apart from the missing imei number, a xiaomi cellphone that has no service can also be caused by using an inappropriate ROM.

This has been experienced by a member of the Mi Community Indonesia who experienced signal disturbances on his xiaomi redmi note 1 cellphone. The reason is updating to the MIUI 8 version.

After that, he experienced problems such as a very weak signal, difficult to get a 3G / H signal, the network only stuck on 2G and even the signal was always lost.

But he managed to overcome the xiaomi redmi note 1 no signal by downgrading MIUI to version 7 via FastBoot Flashing.

BONUS: Take it to the Service

If you have done all the methods above but the sim card still has no network service, then it would be better to bring your xiaomi cellphone to the nearest xiaomi service center.

Because hardware damage may be the source of the cause and replacement ic components are needed.

If your problem is that you are afraid of expensive costs, you can find out the estimated cost of the lost xiaomi cellphone signal service by:
  • Open the browser on your cellphone.
  • After that type "lost signal service fee" in the search box.
That way you can prepare the amount of budget that needs to be spent to repair the xiaomi cellphone, there is no service at the service center.


After reading all the steps above, we can conclude that the problem with the cellphone has no service, not only because of the sim card / cellular operator interference.

There are many things we need to make sure so that the signal can reappear.

And the most important thing here is that you often see the active period of your sim card because a sim card that is past its active period will have no way of restoring a network that does not appear other than by changing to a new card.

If indeed you have another way that can restore the lost android cellphone signal, let's share it in the comments column or on social media smartphone solution, yes.

So much and thank you .. 

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