Update Elden Ring 1.04 Tells Players That There Is a Tutorial Area (Original) in the Game

Some time ago, developer FromSoftware just released update the Elden Ring 1.04 . The update brings many changes in the game, ranging from bug fixes, weapon buffs, nerfs and more. In addition, it is known that the FromSoftware developer gave directions to the Player that this game has a Tutorial through the release of the latest update.

Area Tutorial Cave of Knowledge Elden Ring 

Tutorials on Elden Ring game series Souls-like made by FromSoftware developers are often the subject of jokes for gamers. That's because Souls-like often confuse players whether there is a tutorial in this game that is really a tutorial for them or not. Considering the enemies at the beginning of the game they often encounter difficulties and even death.

Believe it or not, the Elden Ring has a Tutorial area called Cave of Knowledge for players to adapt how to play this game. However, this area is often missed by many players because the location where they have to plunge down makes them afraid to die or the location is vaguely less visible because it is dark. I myself was one of the players who missed the Cave of Knowledge Elden Ring area and was only able to find it after level 50 during exploration.

Instructions are given there is a tutorial from FromSoftware in the Elden Ring 1.04 Update

Knowing that many players often skip this Tutorial area, developer FromSoftware provides clear instructions through the latest update. This information comes from a retweet of a Twitter account user named @manfightdragon.

In retweet he explained that the game's latest update has a hint that appears in the game as a reminder to players when they are in the Stranded Graveyard near the gorge to the Cave of Knowledge. This proves clearly and in detail that FromSoftware is really serious about entering their latest game into a trustworthy (possibly) Tutorial area.

You can see post below. 

You can see how the instructions appear in the video below. 

Beware of Players Dropping Underwear Items, You Can Get Banned 

player community Elden Ring was shocked by an item of underwear from the Player. known items can potentially get you banned. To find out more, you can read more through the The Newbie article here .

That's information about the FromSoftware developer providing clear and detailed instructions that their latest game has a Tutorial area through the Elden Ring 1.04 update. Knowing this, I can only say “Thank you, Dark Souls”.

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