Stay Safe With These Best Car Lock Recommendations!

Cases of motor vehicle theft apparently do not only target motorcycles. Cars as vehicles with relatively expensive prices, even up to hundreds of millions of rupiah make this type of vehicle also the target of thieves. In addition to stealing cars, theft of items in the car is also common. No matter where and at any time, all kinds of criminal acts can occur. To minimize these criminal acts, you should equip your
vehicle with the best car safety lock.

8 Best Car Safety Lock Recommendations For Your Reference 
1. Steering wheel lock

This type of safety accessory prevents the movement of the steering wheel by locking the steering wheel so that it cannot be turned. There are many models of car steering wheel locks on the market such as gripping the steering wheel, propped up on the dashboard, attached to the clutch pedal or gas pedal and others. Everything works so that the steering wheel can not be moved so that the thief must think again to take the car away.

2. Wheel Lock

Wheel Lock or Lock Theft Lock serves to lock the wheels by hooking them to the car wheels so that the car cannot move. This security accessory is made of hardened steel so it is not easy to crush or bend. Suitable for use when parking in a public place where many people see it, so that criminals who have been eyeing it will feel uncomfortable. Wheel locks are also commonly called spanners which are generally made of hard textured material with chrome or nickel plated so they don't wear out quickly.

3.Mobile Alarm

The car alarm will give a loud sound signal as a sign that your car is being disturbed. The latest cars are usually equipped with these security accessories. For old cars, you can buy an alarm from auto accessories stores and install it yourself. In addition to giving sound signals, warning signs are usually accompanied by a turn signal or a small flashing light, an incessant horn sound or a signal on a smartphone. It's good for the alarm to be connected to the car speakers, anticipate if the horn cable is disconnected the alarm will still sound.

4. Immobilizer

This safety accessory is suitable for cars that are equipped with an electronic control system. This tool works by matching the car key code with the device on the car so that if the car will not turn on if the thief enters the wrong code. You should also be careful to remember your own code. Don't forget, okay?

5. Chip

Next up are car chips. This safety device relies on a sensor system that can be installed on the car's contacts. If someone is tampering with or trying to steal a car, this chip will trigger a loud alarm so that it can signal danger. In addition, the chip can also be installed on the hood of the car to avoid crimes from the hood of the car. There are also various types of chips, including a vibrating chip that will signal if a vibration occurs.

6. Sling

Steel straps or slings are alternative safety devices on cars that are strong and not easily broken. This tool is usually equipped with a short hook and combined with a large padlock as used on boxcars.

7. Circuit Breaker

Another way to keep your car safe is to install a secret switch that cuts off the car's electricity. When it's parked, you can activate this secret switch so that the car can't be started because it can't conduct electricity. This tool is effective enough to make the thief cancel the action because it takes a long time to make the car can start the engine.

8. Global Positioning System (GPS)

Another best car safety lock is to install a GPS on your car. This tool serves to track the whereabouts of the car by utilizing a satellite system. You can also view the car's travel route, car speed, as well as the real time position of the car and track it.  

Well, that was the best car safety lock that was recommended for you. In addition to installing a safety lock, you can also add vehicle insurance to complete your car security system. Find attractive offers only at the newbie . 

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