Do This If You Want Aglonema to Leave Lush and Quick to Give Birth, Natural Techniques

It turns out that there is a natural or natural way that flower lovers can do to make Aglonema lush and birth quickly .

This method is fairly easy because it can be done even by an inexperienced beginner.

To find out the secret, you should read this article to the end in order to understand and be able to put it into practice. 

Reported blogbebasapaaja from the YouTube channel T-Raz garden which was uploaded April 22, 2021, here is the full explanation.

Most people use chemicals to make plants lush or fertile.

This is indeed quite effective, but can make Aglonema dependent which is certainly not good for the long term. 

In addition, the use of chemicals must be adjusted to the dose, because if it is more it can make the plant die. 

But there is one special technique that you can do that is also effective in making Aglonema lush .

The way to make leaves Aglonema lush is with the grouping technique, which is to let Aglonema seedlings grow in one place or pot. 

The method is quite easy, that is, you have to choose a medium-sized pot and the soil nutrients must be sufficient.

Make sure the planting medium has good nutrients and nutrients, you can use organic fertilizer or manure.

Then carry out routine maintenance, such as watering and spraying, so that the plants are more fertile. 

However, most people always separate aglonema for breeding.

Although good intentions, but it makes Aglonema not lush .

Therefore, so that aglonema lush and continues to thrive, leave 2 to 3 tillers in the same pot. 

Or if the soil nutrients are sufficient, leave up to 5 shoots is not a problem.***

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