How to Clear Profile Name on Twitter Account

One of the most famous social media in Indonesia and the world is Twitter. On Twitter, not only photos or videos like Facebook and Instagram, but text can also be posted. The text that someone posts on the Twitter application is known as a tweet. Tweets can be posted without any restrictions, in other words Twitter users can express themselves however they want on Twitter.

Photos to videos can be posted as creatively as possible by Twitter users and seen by many people. Therefore, Twitter users feel very comfortable and not bored when using the application. Whatever is on the minds of Twitter users, they can reveal it in their account tweets. 

The username of the Twitter profile can also be set at will by the user as long as the name has not been used by other users. Usually fans of k-pop idols become Twitter users because of their freedom in posting everything. The fan creates a second account, which contains everything about his idol. 

From usernames to posts, they discussed about one of these k-pop idols. And fellow fans or fans, they also comment or retweet their posts. Although free to post anything, of course Twitter still has policies and regulations. However, as long as it doesn't violate, your account is still safe and can post what you want.

To make the account look unique, it is not uncommon for users to edit their profile name, whether it's in a foreign language or without a name. Some people may already know this and have applied it, but others who don't know will feel surprised and confused. Out of curiosity, you could be one of the people who want to try to empty your profile name to make it more interesting. Check out the method below to clear the profile name on your twitter account. 

  1. Open Twitter and login using your personal account on HP.
  2. After that, open your account or profile and click edit profile.
  3. Copy and paste the emoji in parentheses (ً) to make your profile name blank (do not include parentheses).
  4. After pasting in the profile name column, click save and your profile name will automatically disappear or be empty.

There is a possibility if the emoji is blocked by Twitter because Twitter does not allow anonymous users. Twitter frees its users to use any username but it must contain several letters or numbers (not blank). However, if you are still curious, it never hurts to try and apply it to your account. So much information that I convey, may be useful for those of you who need it. 

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