What is Chemical Castration? Herry Wirawan demands punishment for raping 13 female students


The Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the West Java High Court (Kejati) has demanded Herry Wirawan for raping 13 female students with chemical castration as well as being sentenced to death.

Herry Wirawan's demands for punishment are considered to have a deterrent effect and suppress similar crimes in the future.

The lawsuit was read out by the Public Prosecutor during the trial in the District Court (PN) of Bandung, Tuesday (11/1/2022).

What is Chemical Castration?

Chemical castration is a medical process by injecting drugs or substances into the body with the aim of reducing the function of sexual arousal. 

Usually chemical castration is carried out on pedophile sex offenders.

Launching the BBC , people who are chemically castrated will be injected with anti- substances testosterone so that they will suppress testosterone levels , which are mostly produced by cells Lydig in the testicles.

The trigger for the testosterone production of is due to the hormone luteinizing secreted by the gland pituitary anterior in the brain.

"Well, the anti- substance testosterone blocks the glands in the brain from producing the hormone that triggers the production of testosterone . If it's suppressed, the testes automatically don't produce testosterone . So everything is intertwined," said andrology specialist Nugroho Setiawan.

Not only affects sexual function, the impact of chemical castration will also be felt by the brain. Low testosterone levels in men will cause frequent anger, shrinking muscles, porous bones until the body weakens.

Chemical Castration Process

Meanwhile, lecturer of Pharmacy at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta, Ika Puspitasari, PhD, explained that there are several drugs used for chemical castration .

America, Europe and Canada use Medroxyprogesterone acetate and Cyproteron acetate which can suppress the hormone testosterone .

Other drugs that are also included in the class of drugs that inhibit the synthesis of testosterone are ketoconazole which is also known as antifungal drugs.

Ketoconazole inhibits the conversion of cholesterol into progesterone , but requires long -term use to achieve reduced levels testosterone significantly .

Chemical Castration Effectiveness

Once the process chemical castration does not necessarily make the function of sexual arousal in men can decrease forever.

This is because the effects of drugs chemical castration can be reversible after the drug is discontinued to the perpetrator.

Therefore, the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry recommends that legal action of castration is not only carried out pharmacologically but also through education and counseling.

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