Terms and How to Claim Flood Insurance for Cars

When it's rainy season, you have to protect your car from flooding so it doesn't get damaged. Well , The Newbie has one solution so that your savings and emergency funds are not drained when a flood causes your car to have to go to a repair shop, namely flood insurance for cars. Here are the requirements and how to claim. 

Flood Insurance Claim Terms for Cars

Before you make a claim, first understand the following requirements.

  • Insurance policy in original and photocopy
  • Copy of SIM and STNK
  • Completely filled and signed claim form
  • Chronology of events in writing
  • Unedited or fabricated damage photos
  • Prepare a claim fee or expense at your own expense for the claim you submit. Usually the cost of this claim ranges from Rp. 250 thousand to Rp. 300 thousand,

How to Claim Flood Insurance for Cars

Flood insurance claims for cars are almost the same as car insurance claims in general. As long as the claim you make meets the requirements stated in the policy, the insurance company will fulfill it.

1. Make sure the car insurance policy is equipped with flood protection

Currently standard car insurance is available in several choices of Total Loss Only (TLO) car insurance or All Risk or comprehensive car insurance.

The two types of car insurance are not automatically equipped with protection against floods. Therefore, before submitting a claim, you need to make sure whether the car insurance policy is equipped with an expansion benefit (rider) in the form of protection from this disaster.

2. Immediately Contact the Insurance, Maximum 72 Hours

If it is certain that your car has flood insurance protection, immediately contact the call center or the insurance provider's office to report the incident.

You only need to mention the policy number and inform the chronology of the incident including the position of the car when the flood occurred.

Usually, insurance policies have a time limit for reporting claims, for example a maximum of 72 hours or 5 days after the incident. Therefore, make sure you do not delay filing a claim so that there is no claim failure.

3. Prepare and Complete Requirements Documents

As with the general claim step, you must ensure that the flood insurance claim for the car is completed with the required administrative requirements such as the policyholder's identity document, claim submission documents which are usually available online on the insurance provider's website, and other requested documents.

4. Request Evacuation Assistance


You can also ask for help with evacuation from the insurance company to prevent more fatal engine damage. Don't force yourself to take your car to a repair shop yourself. Because, if you are not careful, your actions might be judged as intentional by the insurance so that it affects the validity of the claim.

5. Make Sure There Are No Cheating Actions

Even though the car already has flood protection, insurance providers will not easily pass a claim. As an insurance provider, we will first investigate to ensure that the car damage that occurs is purely the result of an unexpected flood event and not on purpose.

So, in order for your claim to be accepted, make sure you don't do things that seem intentional, such as forcing the car through puddles of water, starting the engine when the car has been submerged in a flood, and so on. Insurance company investigations can find such things and could threaten the validity of your claim.

List of the Best Car Flood Insurance Companies and Products in Indonesia

Here is a selection of insurance companies that offer flood insurance products for cars:


ABDA car insurance products provide protection benefits for cars. ABDA offers two choices of car insurance product guarantees, namely comprehensive vehicle insurance (all risk) and total loss only (TLO) vehicle insurance.

Both TLO and Comprehensive coverage can be extended by guaranteeing:

  • Floods, storms, hurricanes
  • Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis
  • Riots, strikes, other people's evil deeds
  • Terrorism and sabotage
  • Personal Accident for Driver and Passenger
  • Third party legal liability
  • ABDA Road Side Assistance

2. Zurich Insurance

Zurich Insurance has excellent products, one of which is Zurich Car Autocillin insurance.

Zurich makes it easy for its customers with the best service for each of its products. For example, processes and services that are not too complicated through call centers and hotlines that are easy to contact.

Autocillin Car Insurance has two types of product guarantees, namely TLO, Comprehensive, and Comprehensive Plus. For Flood Car Insurance, you can choose Comprehensive Plus which provides compensation for partial or total damage or loss from accidents, fires, or theft.

3. Garda Auto

Flood car insurance is also provided by one of the best car insurance companies , Garda Oto. The flood insurance offered by Garda Oto is an extension of the guarantee for the type of protection you have taken (TLO or All Risk).

4. Allianz

Allianz Car Insurance has several advantages, such as 24-hour assistance services through emergency services, providing replacement if the car is stolen by a private driver, providing extended coverage against the risk of flooding as well as water hammer (damage to the vehicle engine due to water ingress), and there is compensation for the third party. third.

Allianz Car Insurance partner workshops are widespread in major cities throughout Indonesia. Then, the claim process is also fast, which only takes one working day for the vehicle to be handled by the partner workshop.

5. AXA Mandiri

AXA Car Insurance is a car insurance product owned by PT Asuransi AXA Indonesia. The coverage provided includes the risk of accidents, fires, natural disasters, and so on with all risk and TLO guarantees. The rainy season is here, afraid of the car breaking down because of the flood? Don't worry, car insurance from Mandiri AXA General Insurance is ready to protect you.

In addition, Mandiri AXA General Insurance also provides towing services, new for old (replacement for lost cars), replacement of vehicle keys up to the replacement of third party legal responsibilities. Now you can buy it at a more affordable price with 0% installments.

After knowing flood insurance for cars, let's protect your vehicle before the flood comes by having car insurance. If your car is not covered by insurance, you can buy car insurance at The Newbie at an affordable premium price.

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