Programmers: Salaries, Roles and Responsibilities!


Gaji Programmer

Programming is one of the professions that is on the rise because of the many start-up companies that need programmers. For those of you who want to dive into the programming field, let's see the full discussion about programmers in this article!

What is a Programmer?

Programmers are people who are in charge of creating, testing and ensuring a smooth code for use. Usually a programmer understands various programming languages ​​such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL, XML, Python and many more.

The more programming languages ​​that are mastered, the more expensive the programmer's services are. Curious how much programmer salary? Here is the discussion:

Programmer Salary

Programmers themselves are further divided into several sections. Each section has a different salary range. Here are the details:

Programmer field Salary Range (entry level)
Database Administrator Rp 5,385,431
Cloud Computing Engineers Rp 9,831,477
Computer Network Specialist Rp. 4.141.003
Computer Support Specialist Rp. 4,147,070
Information Technology Analyst Rp. 9,346,558
Information Technology Leadership Rp. 12,000,000
Information Security Specialist IDR 10,000,000
Software/Application Developer Rp. 5,395,073
Web Developer Rp. 4,845,033

Programmer's Roles and Responsibilities

If you already know the salary range of each specialization in the field of programmers. In the following we will give a general role of programmer responsibilities.

  • Master programming languages ​​(HTML, CSS, Javascript and more)
  • Experiment with running the program
  • Revise coding if something goes wrong
  • Ensure the development of programs/web/applications runs smoothly
  • Make changes according to user/management requests

Programmer field

As previously mentioned, programmers are further divided into several areas:

1. Database Administrator

Responsible for managing company and customer data storage. In short, they are tasked with storing incoming data so that the data is safe.

2. Cloud Computing Engineer

Has the main task of determining, designing, building and maintaining systems and infrastructure provided by cloud computing service providers. Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure is one of the cloud computing service providers.

3. Computer Network Specialist

Is the person responsible for designing, building and maintaining data communication networks and systems.

4. Computer Support Specialist

Usually has the main task of testing and evaluating network systems so that the system runs well.

5. Software/Application Developer

It is a field that is occupied by many people, a software/application developer is responsible for ensuring the process of designing, building and testing applications runs smoothly.

6. Information Security Specialist

The rise of application user data theft has made this profession much sought after by companies. Its main task is to design a security system and ensure all stored data is safe from any threats.

7. Web Developer

Has the main task of designing, modifying, and maintaining the website. The programming languages ​​commonly used are Javascript, SQL and HTML.

8. Information Technology Analyst

The main task of an information technology analyst is to collect, analyze and process customer data.

9. Information Technology Leadership

The main task of an IT Leader is to manage, set team goals and ensure the performance of each field is running as it should. Therefore, this role can only be occupied by people who have good soft skills.

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