Download Script Skin Saber Freya Manhunter MLBB Full Effect+ Backup No Password

Mobile Legends will soon be releasing a new skin for Hero Freya. This skin is included in the member or Squad SABER and will be available in February. For those of you who are curious as to what it looks like and how the effect is in the game! Why not try it right away, either in ranked or classic mode by downloading the Saber Freya ML script skin. 


Squad Saber is one of the popular Squad skins in mobile legends. The theme is a collection of troops or soldiers from the future with a police-like appearance. There are several heroes who are included in it, we have provided almost all of their Hero skins that you can see through the Saber Squad Skin.

Freya herself is a female Hero Fighter who is very tough and certainly very strong to deal with her enemies. However, with the emergence of a new Hero Fighter now, he is indeed a bit less desirable. Now to make it popular again, Moonton made a skin with a very cool and rare appearance.

This skin is named Saber Manhunter with a very futuristic costume. You can see from the picture above that Freya is wearing white, gray and blue armor. His face is wearing glasses or a very sophisticated Visor. Then on the wings there are robot wings with boosters or boosters.

On the shield and also the sword there is a blue effect like a hologram which makes it look very harmonious and cool. Overall it is very good and very worth it for you to buy. Then how much does it cost? From the information circulating Moonton will sell the skin for 899 Diamond.

So get ready to do a top-up, if you don't have enough funds or you want to try it right now, there is the most effective and safe way, namely by using the Freya Saber Manhunter ML skin script. The admin has also provided a backup file, so you just have to install it to restore its appearance as usual.

Here's the download link and the installation tutorial.

How to Install the Saber Freya Manhunter MLBB Skin Script Full Effect + Backup File

1. Download the latest Freya ML saber skin script via the link below

2. Extract the file using a file manager application such as ZArchiver.

3. Inside there is a . Copy or move the folder to the internal memory as below.

    Internal Storage > Android > Data > ( Paste Here )

Note : Don't forget to backup the original folder/file.

4. Open the mobile legends game and see if the script is successfully implemented.

Download Script Skin Freya S.A.B.E.R  || Backup File Skin Freja S.A.B.E.R

5. If it is successful you can play in any mode.


Update :

  • Latest Patches
  • Full effect
  • Full sound
  • Full background
  • File backup
  • No password 

That's the tutorial above to install the Freya Manhunter MLBB Saber Skin Script Full Effect + Backup File. If there is something you want to ask, please submit it in the comments column and don't forget to always visit blogbebasapaaja. so as not to miss the latest updates regarding the mobile legends game script.

Good luck!

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