When is the PIN From Google AdSense Sent Home?

For every google adsense publisher who has just received an email that approves the receipt of a site or blog and asks when the PIN from google adsense is sent. The answer is google adsense will send a pin to your home if the balance you have has reached IDR. 130,000 in dollars, which is 10$, not long enough for site owners who already have a lot of visitors, especially sites that have quality content.

Before the Adsense PIN is sent you must provide personal data such as the correct address and an active telephone number, because Adsense will be sent to your home in the form of a letter. If the address entered during the Adsense registration is unclear and incorrect, the pin will not reach your home. You can change the address in the adsense account settings section, then enter the payment menu then the payments profile and go to the name and address. Enter addresses such as street names and house numbers so that the Adsense PIN does not get lost and is easy to arrive.

 How to Form a PIN Letter From Adsense?

The process of sending google adsense pins if smooth takes 2 to 4 weeks in one delivery only. You will be sent a letter containing a PIN from Google Adsense, which is a unique 6-digit number packaged in a white envelope, if the PIN has arrived, you can immediately open it and enter the Adsense PIN into the Adsense account dashboard by typing in a unique 6-digit number then submit if will work and you are ready to receive a salary from your site.

An adsense account that has been pin verified means that the address has been verified, then you just have to set the payment method and then withdraw the money if the balance is sufficient.

If AdSense PIN submission doesn't arrive

When you have received a notification that your Adsense PIN has been sent, which is within 2 to 4 weeks and it turns out that the Adsense PIN is not until you need to check or visit the nearest post office in your area.

But don't worry if you have entered the correct address and name as on your ID card or SIM, the identity can be used to verify your PIN via your ID card by scanning your ID card or SIM, using the PIN verification feature.

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