Credit for Tips, 6 Ways to Avoid Illegal Loans

Recently, there have been a lot of online loan applications or commonly called Pinjol. Not a few people are also caught in the trap, especially the illegal Pinjol .

The digital-based financing platform Kredivo shares a number of tips for the public to avoid fraudulent transactions by illegal borrowers.

General Manager of Kredivo Lily Suriani, through her statement
said that the first thing that is important is the readiness and insight of the digital literacy of the community in the midst of the rapid flow of information from anywhere.

"This matter must then be addressed carefully because at first many of the illegal lenders took advantage of the lack of understanding of some people through the dissemination of information on various channels or websites," said Lily.

"Improving financial literacy is the key to prevention that can be done by various parties so that people are smarter and wiser in utilizing financial products and services digitally," he added.

The second tip is that before transacting, always make sure that the financing platform is officially registered with the OJK. This information can be accessed easily through the OJK website at

OJK also cooperates with Google regarding the requirements for personal loan applications in Indonesia, which are often misused by illegal loans.

"As of July 28, 2021, Google has added additional eligibility requirements for personal loan applications, including in the form of a license document or registered with the OJK, so illegal borrowers cannot upload their applications on Google," said Lily.

Third, fintech lending consumers must consider the interest charged by each credit service provider. This consideration can be based on the consumer's ability to pay the interest rate, as well as whether it is still within the reasonable limits of the interest rate set by the OJK.

Fourth, learn the rights and obligations of the transaction. Often consumers miss the explanation of rights and obligations, even though the information is important to learn. Consumers must fully understand their rights and obligations and the risks that will be borne in the future.

Fifth, use applications from official sources. Make sure you use official loan applications and download them only from the Play Store (Android) and the App Store (iOS), because if the downloaded application comes from an unofficial source, it will potentially give access to irresponsible parties to retrieve personal data through various malware to adware.

, re-examine the application access permissions. The public also needs to be careful about all approvals and what data the application wants to access from smartphones, don't click "allow" too quickly before using the application, because irresponsible people can easily access all personal data on the cellphone.

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