5 Free Fire Pets That Deserve Buffs in 2022

Free Fire (FF) has Pets or in-game pets that can help players on the battlefield. Just like characters, not all pets are created equal.

To increase the ability of Pets and their popularity, some Pets are considered worthy of rework in the form of increased strength or buffs.

With the increase in strength, the Pet can be used in the game and is liked by players.

Reported from Sportskeeda , Tuesday (12/28/2021), here are five Free Fire Pets that deserve a buff in 2022:

1. Dr. Beanie

Dr. Beanie has an ability called Dashy Duckwalk which gives players a 60 percent increase in movement speed when in a squat position.

This ability is suitable if players want to play secretly in FF.

However, this ability also has a limited use. Developers can improve the ability of Dr. Beanie is speed, regardless of posture.

Instead of a total of 60 percent, it can be scaled according to posture. Such as 40 percent when prone, 20 percent when squatting, 10 percent when walking, and 5 percent when running.

With such abilities will open more tactical options in the game.

2. Dragon

Dreki's Dragon Glare ability allows players to see opponents using a medkit within 30 meters.

The ability lasts for five seconds in total.

Although this has many tactical uses, Dreki's abilities are not always good because often players don't use medkits to heal.

After a firefight, players generally only rely on EP or active healing abilities to restore HP.

Dreki can get an upgrade by detecting this healing method.

3. Falco

Falco is one of the most useful Pets in FF. By using his Skyline Spree ability, players can land faster.

This increases gliding and dicing speeds by 45% and 50 percent, respectively.

Unfortunately, once the landing phase is over, the usefulness of that ability is lost.

Garena can increase Falco's ability to provide basic recon during matches. This ability can be used to find enemies.

However, unlike Clu, Shirou, or Moco's abilities, these would only last for a few seconds.

4. Shiba

Shiba's Mushroom Sense ability marks a mushroom on the map every 120 seconds.

Although this is only to a certain extent, it is not difficult to find mushrooms in the game.

But instead of finding mushrooms, Shiba should get an upgrade to giving mushrooms to players.

Just like Mr. Waggor provides gloo walls, Shiba can provide mushrooms every two minutes.

Mushrooms in Free Fire itself function to add HP when conditions are pressed.

5. Detective Panda

Detective Panda is one of the oldest Pets in FF. His ability called Blessings can restore 10 HP after killing an opponent.

This is perfect for aggressive players and players who want to try hot-drops.

Unfortunately, if players use ustained Raids Jota, Detective Panda's abilities are nothing.

Instead of giving 10 HP per kill, the ability can be increased to give HP and EP.
In this way, players can recover HP and EP during battle.

The five Pets Free Fire above deserve a buff in 2022 so that players are interested in using them in battles in next year's games.

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